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Yee. I'm alive!

Before we start this chappy... I DARE YOU TO LISTEN TO THIS MUSIC. It's nightcore , but its the best mash-up ever! ( I'm listening to it atm xD)

It has been a long time since I posted , but . Yeah, I have been drawing .. but can't complete any of them- mainly the traditional ones as my color pens died . AND MAH JAYA FANART IS STUCK WAITING TO BE COLORED QND BROUGHT INTO LIFE.

anyways. Here is melody , it has been along time since I drew her . And I wanted to draw Aaron is a beanie so badly (psst.. Jay in my Jaya drawing is wearing a beanie) so yeah, it was an open opportunity for a (almost) winter themed drawing.

P.s : I do not know how to draw facial hairs and background , so it may be a bit weird. Those two took me forever *wipes fake sweat* Oh and also , I forgot to add Aaron's headphones. More like I didn't add them on purpose.


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After doing a quick re-check on publishing this chappy, I realized. . . .

I had drawn a few pixel drawings...

And I need to save them before publishing it as they aren't in my gallery.

The hooooorays. I'll go and save them and publish them in the next crappie.

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