Jaya ClaLender

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Yea .. I made a calender 😂
Oh and claLender is mix of Clan and Calendar.
You peeps can also see ... Jaya :333

So ,  it's ... SOPHTOBER ! which means , it's soph's month , which means .. we all have to say something nice about her till the end of October...!

But , April and December are my faves .. why ..?
April : mah birthday AND Jaya month . Whoop , the queen got her otp !


It seems like October will be the busiest for me . As I have to :

Make a present for my mom which is on the 24th
Make a present for my sister which is on the 25th
Make a present for a friend which is on the 26th
Do sophtober .

With a sore throat 😡 , school , boredom , no inspiration at times , hunger ( cause I'm hungry rn .. even tho I just had chips .. which were chilly and my throat was like ' nuuuu ' ) , and last not least .. forgetting stuffs ..

So yea .. busy month .. and now .. Mom is calling gotta dash ;-;

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