yeah. I am officially a zombie.

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Note: sorry for republishing this chap. I forgot to tag people for the tag xD and also Amy4Walker tagged me on this.

My lazy butt opened wattpad a week ago when her school got closed , but never thought on messaging anyone cause.. well? Idk. I'm lazy, and studies are killing me.

So go thank alexspotatoes for summoning into the land of wattpadness.. or something.
As we all can guess , this ram, got tagged. Hooray. Anyways , there are a few random funny or odd situations i had been into these past days of absence.

🔽What's the meaning behind you wattpad name?I like dragons

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🔽What's the meaning behind you wattpad name?
I like dragons.
I like the color Black and blue.
Black represent Cole
Blue represent Jay
It was my sister's suggestion to keep this name. So why not?

🔼What your favorite quote?
"You say your the green ninja? But I say I am!" I have no idea why I still like this line. XD
But it's 12:09 AM , I have to sleep. Yes , for the first time.. Mimi The Alien Ram is going to bed early. I have to study. That's the thing.

🔽What the last song you've listened to?
I was listening to moosic a some time ago , but my mum called me and I ended up closing it. So , Little Do You Know. .

Little do you know.. How lazy I am..

Say my name

🔼What's your favourite animal?

🔽What's the most annoying thing people often do?
Be stupid, duh.

🔼Do you like someone?
Yes , everyone who I know! Me friends , me family!!

🔽Do you know someone who likes you?
yEAh, my family, my friends.

🔼What's your battery percentage?
Now : 58%

🔽Best girl friends?
Scarlet-Galaxy , Amy4Walker , Sopherloafer , Sunnyninja13 , MasterofCupcakes
, DramaticFangirl12 , NinjaTaleFan19 , Genki_Brirshima and alexspotatoes

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