Gotta go N sleep , bu' -

38 9 0

Yup , I prefer saying bu' rather then but XD Donut ask . Anyways some talking time !!

Let's start with .. AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER IS SO COOL ! we ( as in me N my younger sisters ) started it yesterday as our oldest sister forced us tol

( yea , I'm not gonna say sibling as I don't have any brother- )

Ok , yesterday at .. like .. uh .. 6 pm ? Me and my old1 ( as in the oldest . I have two older sisters and two younger . So , Old1 , Old 2 , young1, young2 ) were going to the kitchen to help our mom with tea . While  taking about atla . She told me about Toaf ( how the heck do you spell her name !? ) bu' I heard her say ,

Tofu .. that's what I asked her a few seconds later ,making both of us burst out in laughter .

And ever since that , I've been saying Tofu )V(

Well .. untill some minutes ago , we were watching last three episodes of it , and finished s1 and I was like " YAY ! SUSHI IS COMING NEXT SEASON ! wait .. sushi !? "

Toaf to Tofu to Sushi.
Anyways . Uh.. I actually forgot what I had to talk about .. yea , nvm . Wait . Remembered ;U;

Guess who's my fave charather 0v0 ?

Untill the next guess !

Time to fly ! C'mon Appa ! Yip,Yip !

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