an art XD

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Do ya know who that cat is ?
No ?

*le the le gasp* XD

Melody (yea .. she's like Beast boy , duh . She is the master of animals XD )

And as I know I will never be able to publish a book on them , I'll just write a one shot . ( please note that will be crappy , its the 2nd time for me writing a one shot , 1st being the jaya clan challenge book )

A girl slowly came out of her room , walking on her tippy toes . She slowly knocked on one of the room . After a long time it opened to reveal a rather sleepy Aaron. He rubbed his eyes and yawned .

" what ? " he sheepishly asked

" I think there is a ghost outside " She pointed at the spot while she whispered

Aaron took a deep breath , before he spoke again " for the 100th time , there is no such thing as ghost ! "

" um.. you never told me 100 of times .. this is the 12th time " Melody corrected him

" urgh , can I go back and sleep ? " Aaron yawned again ,

" b-but-" " butts are for sitting , and mine wants to go and sleep "

" and anyways , why did you wake me from everyone else ? "

" because I wasn't able to find Clay and Macy .. Axl is creepy and Lance was sleeping . I didn't want to wake his highness " Melody explained. Aaron chuckled at the last sentence " ok,ok . Where do you think there is a 'ghost' "

" there " She pointed . Aaron walked to where Melody thought there was a 'ghost' , with Melody trailing behind him

" .... It's Merlock 2.0 , not a ghost " Aaron told her .

" and I've heard he died , which makes him a ghost .. or maybe a zombie  " Melody looked from over his shoulders , and spoke .

" you've gotta be kiddin' me " He mentally facepalmed and started to walk back to his room ,she held his shirt and walked behind him , her eyes still fixed on Merlock 2.0

" why are you following me ? " Aaron asked

" because it's too dark .. " Melody answered .

He let out a big sigh . " ok .. "

" can I sleep with you ? " Melody asked .

" what !? No ! " Aaron answered with a light blush .

Where is Macy when you need her ?! He thought

" fine " After a long pause he let her in .

" thank you " She flashed him a smile .

He flopped on the bed , flat on his stomach and closed his eyes . Melody switched into a cat and slid next to him .

Yea- that's why I drew her as a cat this time XD

Anyways . I'm glad I told my sister about the present thingy , she didn't mind at all . So Yay!

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