Can you feel , the tag tonight-?

36 7 36

If you can , that's great!

And can you feel you've been tagged tonight?

If that's a yes , thats great

Tagged by my mah amazing friends : Dissmisery RubyRed883

I was going to use Mimi , but that'd be useless as I'll justvhave to use two letters :P So BlackNblue_Dragon it is (and I don't wana answer question M

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I was going to use Mimi , but that'd be useless as I'll justvhave to use two letters :P
So BlackNblue_Dragon it is (and I don't wana answer question M . Because..Mimi is innocent , she dosent know if she is a virgin or not. )

B - Favourite band?
The Fold

L - One of my insecurities?

A - Why my last relationship ended?
Because I read another X reader , which means that I'm no longer with that specific character anymore 😢

C - who I like and why I like them?
As in crush like or friendly like?

K - relationship with my parents?
Umm.. Perfect

N - Favourite place to shop at ?
I. Hate. Shopping. I don't have a fave place.

B - Favourite band?
Uh.. does Alan Walker and Alec Benjamin count?

L- One of my insecurities?
*intensive thinking*

U- Where I want to be rn?
I'm in my bed , comfortably in my shorts and t-shirt ready to sleep. Where else do I wana go--
Actually .. can I go to ninjago?

E - my best friend ?
Im kinda close with Scarlet-Galaxy and Sopherloafer .

D - Hardest thing I've ever been through?
I guess I'll go with -
That thing that happens every one week that happens every month .

R- Favourite song atm ?
Hmm.. there are many

And ..
-Only fools fall in love
-Raging on a Sunday
-and many more ^3^

A- Why my last relationship ended?
Well , you see. I've got a problem with reading many Xreaders . So I read alot of x reader. Which means i have to break up with one character to be with the other. I know , it's so sad ;-;

G- Sexual orientation.

O- Relationship status as of rn.
I think I'm with Tom Lucitor from svtfoe- Actually , I'm with Draco Malfoy rn :3 (this Xreader dosent exist , but it is something that may come in my head and I may start a x reader with myself.)

N- Favourite place to shop at ?
Jeff: hewwo , this is Jeff speaking . Mimi is at the corner right now , yelling that she hates shopping , unless if it is of food . 

Wait.. tags.. forgot.. ugh.

Okkie, now it's blabbering time on why I've been offline lately. !!

1. Life
2. Life
And lastly I'm writing a new book which I'm about to publish soon.
Here is a small 'sneak peak' with the cover (which took me forever -_-)
Art is not mine! It belongs to its rightful owner.

Jay Gordan,the son of the famous movie star ( and he has been into a few movie himself )

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Jay Gordan,the son of the famous movie star ( and he has been into a few movie himself ). Life is pretty hard for this 22-year-old. Every where he goes , fan girls and fanboys . Most of social media's are filled with people who adore him .. mostly girls. Jay just wants a place where he could stay hidden without any person knowing who he was , after this little idea , At the age of 18 , he downloads an app where he disguises himself as 'Lightning_Dragon' aka Blitz .

In this specific app , tumbgo(A/N:tumblr in ninjago version XD) , Jay finds himself comfortable with many friends , eventually he falls in love with one of them,  'WaterFountains' or Rain , that's what Jay loved to call her. Even though he didn't know how this angel looks like , he still loved her , hoping that one day their paths cross.

Chatting with her in his favourite noodle house, Chen's noodle house,  a girl , around his age , enters soaking wet as it was raining . His eyes dart to her as he watches her walk to the counter and talk to the person behind it .

Jay looked at her with curiosity. 'is this the girl , Kai told me about , who he was suppose to go and pick up? '  he already knew a lot about her as the owner of the shop , Skylor , was his friend and this must be her sister-in-law.

Could a dinner with this girl change Jay's love life or will he still stay in love with his online friend?

Me: *looks at the time*
Okie now I'm getting late.

Aaaaand my mother just checked on me .
Oop- I just got into trouble.
Excuse me and my troublesome butt as I go and sleep.

Adios , g'night mah peeps-
Or good morning.
Or good afternoo-

(Oh and the description to Your text is kinda complete.
Okay now I'll publish this chappy---)

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