I-I did it !!

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I did it !! Tbh I'm drawing rn, but I have to tell of you !!!!!!



Flashback :

" uhm mom .. I did to tell you something "

" what ? "

" you know that website where s/n writes book ? "

" yes . You also ? "

" uhm.. yeah ! I actually do write books there ! And I started writing this year ! "

" oh and plus I have 400 followers "

" 400 ? That's so good ! "

" I know ! "

" also , concentrate on your studies as well too "

End of flashback as I forgot what she said after that XD

BUT I DID IT ! I TOLD MOM BOUT IT ! My heart beat was so fast at that moment I thought I was going to pass out !

I told her when it was only me and her , in the kitchen .. helping her with lunch

*sniff* I'm so happy !

Tho I didn't tell dad ... yet ..

Just like Da .. but SQUEE  !!!

And now , me must go yang ( I wrote yang on purpose , rather than and ) drawie to lower my happiness!

Mimi has fainted , please make sure she lowers her happiness.

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