studies -_-

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So yeah. Like you read le title. I have been studying for like almost the whole day. From like... Uhm.... 8 pm to 1 am. Yup,  I just got free a few minutes ago -_-

But hey! At least I'm gonna be online for like...  A few minutes ;-;

1st of all I wana thank Soph for the cover of this book

1st of all I wana thank Soph for the cover of this book

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Its so cool!

Next I got tagged by Austin or Nascarracer24 let's get over it!

Next I got tagged by Austin or Nascarracer24 let's get over it!

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This will be fun!

1. Ninjago,  as I am still watching TT( Teen Titans) and Drob ( dragons:  riders of Berk).  And I am not fully into ppg, MLP.. And Harry Potter..... As much as I am into ninjago and TT

2. JAY!!!!!!!!!! he was my fave ever since my eyes laid on him XD so is Cole. That's a reason my name is BlackNblue_dragon ( dragon cause I wuve them)

3. I think the villians are pretty good. Especially Chen XD and.... Nadakhan... And.... Overlord.... Who has taken over my tablet.... My tablet has a virus which I don't even know about.

4. Meh is the queen of?

5. Any scene is my fave XD I love the whole ninjago.

6. Here is my ninjago past..

I found about ninjago in like 2011 or 2012. School -_- yup that is how I forgot bout it. I came back to the fandom in like 2013? Yeah 2013 I guess.. Thats when dad brought Lego Harry Potter. (And adding the fact I used to call legos cubbees ( I don't know how to spell my made up word))

And since then i am in this fandom 😄

7. CN... And dad....

8. It should be S3 cause of the love triangle? Nope,  I actually found that cute!

But one dislike.. Hm... Let's see........................... Not giving Cole a season and NEVER BRINGING SELIEL IN THE SERIES ;-;

Tag 3



I was gonna tag MOC too, But Austin already did that..


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