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✦✧ PART TWO ✧✦

⤷ THIRTEEN; the conquerer namesake ⤶

THE MOON WAITED FOR NO MAN for three years had passed them without the presence of the eldest princess in the court. Though in secret she would visit her twin and old friend who quickly popped out a male heir for her father. 

Without the need of constant appearances, Daenys was free to do as she wished. Traveling around the great world with her companion. Discovering new cultures, gaining as many loyal allies. Learning as much as she could about her gift and ways of mastering it. 

Making herself a home with the Dothraki people and finding love with a man whose entire purpose seemed to be doting on her. 

Clear disgust and annoyance was with Rhaenyra as she could care less for their brother who she deemed a beast, but Daenys was anything less than delighted. Loving his little giggles and hugs that left you in drool. She loved the way his dark purple eyes would light up at her as she sang in their mother tongue. 

Dany couldn't help herself, after all she had always wanted a little brother who she could give everything to. Making sure that she was present in the birth chamber, in order for both the Queen and the babe to survive.

━━━ ALTHOUGH some time had passed where Dany had made physical contact with anyone other than her very young influential brother and Ser James. Quietly and undisturbed as her visits became a ritual for her. It was peaceful having time with just Aegon who loved her just as much as she did him. 

With her legs hanging off the cliff as she watched Karnax dip down into the water bringing a large prehistoric fish above water. Watching as he quickly made his way towards her eagerly. 

"No you don't need to..." Daenys began but was quickly shut down by the harsh splat. Over the last hour he had been leaving her 'gifts' which quickly began to pile up. The putrid smell beginning to get to her. 

"He is quite the grifter isn't he?" 

"Tis Aegon's second name day on the morrow, my love." Daenys said nudging her lover, Arturus who sat beside her. "Yes it is my love... you plan to see him on his day?" 

Pondering silently before mumbling "I think it may be time for a little court appearance." She felt his head snap towards her, awfully surprised. "You wish to stay with them?" His tone saddened, cold even. 

Scoffing in disbelief "I'd rather stick pins in my eyes." She sat up straight as she turned to him with a soft smile, his head turned away from her. "I could never stay in a place without you my love."

Arturus felt his lips turn in a grin before he gazed into the beautiful eyes of his princess, leaning down and kissing her lovingly. "How long do you intend to stay?" 

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