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iance was off to a *great* start.

To try and establish a team of eight out of the allotment you were given, the contestants of the Battle for Battle for Dream Island, would be a fool's errand. Even the greatest and most intellectual minds (i.e. Golf Ball and her associate) would be hard-pressed to find an arrangement that'll actually work to their standard of perfection (or at least close enough); for anyone else, it would just be an unmitigated disaster. If you're extremely lucky, at best you'll get an assemblage of disparate, neutral parts that have no connections to each other. A grouping of random friendships and alliances that haven't had any contact whatsoever and are randomly lumped together by pure chance. That's the most ideal, perfect scenario; though they know nothing of each other and most likely cannot work together, neutrality is the greatest sandbox of all. If it manages to at the very least remain in a place that is not last, if they can evade elimination, if they're given enough bonding experiences (read: trauma) that they can get to know each other better and truly familiarize themselves with the new way of things, it could turn out to be a rather functional team; one can that do plenty of challenges, go through plenty of troubles, and still manage to emerge from it all in one piece. Or two or three.

But that would never happen, of course. Each and every team that ended up getting formed on that day would have some... interesting feature that would end up being its detriment. The most obvious one would be pitting two adversaries against each other on the same team; the contestants have held a whole lot of grudges over the years, and to avoid them all, to weave a delicate path through that proverbial minefield, would require actual skill and effort that isn't provided whatsoever, as the teams were selected by what was basically random chance. Some teams were destined for struggle from the very start, while others would naturally develop over time; clashing personalities, differing mindsets, all sorts of approaches on how to tackle things would clash relentlessly. Even if you were fortunate enough to evade such a horrific fate, stuck in a constant civil war among teammates that were *obviously* better together, you could instead wind up with a team that's too apathetic to seize the initiative on anything. Or a team that focuses on something else entirely. Or a team that relies so heavily on a singular figure that they're unable to pursue anything without their guidance. In short, it was all just... a mess.

And there was no greater mess than iance.

Its constituent parts were already... less than great. Pencil and Match were the strongest unit; they'd been friends since the very start of the Battle for Dream Island, always gossiping and talking amongst themselves about how they were the absolute best and they were the absolute worst. But then there was their... bember. Bubble was a member of their alliance in theory, but in practice she was considered a weight they were forced to drag around out of some obligation of *friendship*. Gross. It was easy enough to push her around and whatnot, but still, that was additional effort that they'd rather not have to deal with.

And Ruby was also there, I suppose.

Then there's Snowball. Plenty has already been said about the mound of snow that's so dumb that he can't even remember his own name. He was strong, but that's about it; as years and years of competing had shown, you can't win Dream Island on just brawn alone. He then decided to pick Lightning for his team, a killer that completely regrets killing, as well as Fanny, the one that hated anything and everything, probably including him as well. Those were two people that had absolutely no connections to him prior, and were now roped together through the most absurd means possible.

Then Flower went ahead and grouped these two groups together. And everyone knows what's up with her.

With such a *spectacular* cast of characters now joined together through coercion and sheer bad luck, it was no surprise that it was this team that ended up losing the very first contest. Immediately, they all started pointing fingers on who's to blame for their great folly, as if they all hadn't played a part in some way or another. Was it Match and Pencil for coming up with their ultimately futile idea to start jumping? Or Snowball for being too dumb to carry it out? Or Fanny for being too much of a downer all the time? Or Flower for the crime of merely existing?

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