The Search For Sabrina

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At her urging, the group rushed themselves into the car. Back to the place where their misfortune began.

How different this journey was from the day before. Winona, who had fawned over the sight of the lakes and mountains was now cramped up in the backseat of the car, trying not to take up too much space. She had been able to fit in one of Bruce's hoodies, but only just.

Next to her sat Heidi, pushed against the door. She just stared outside, disassociating from her body and the pounding piece of flesh against her leg.

Bruce sat squirming in the passenger seat, uncomfortable as his chest jiggled along with all the bumps in the road. Due to his shorter legs and wider hips, he had been unable to fit in his own jeans. Unwilling to wear one of Sabrina's skirts, he had instead settled for her favorite yoga pants. That along with a jacket of his own; though it was a bit oversized now.

Since Jeremy was the only one unphased due to physical changes, everyone decided it would be best to let him drive. Trying to maintain his focus on the road, he could not help but throw glances at the gorgeous babe next to him.

'Don't even think about it.' Bruce spat, as he had noticed him looking for a while now.

Jeremy kept his eyes on the road.

'I saw you looking, you know?'

Jeremy held his silence.

'You're not gay at all, are you?'

That got Heidi's attention. 'What's she talking about, Jem?'

'He.' Bruce corrected. 'Don't you ever say she to me. Ever!'

'Stop. She- I mean he's right.'

'Jem? You serious?'

'Can we please talk about this later?' Jeremy pleaded.

'That's right.' Winona said. 'We gotta focus on Sabs. We've still got an hour to go. Let's just put some music on or something. Clear the air a bit.'

Jeremy hummed, then froze as he turned on the radio and the newest hit single 'Tomorrows' started to play, performed by none other than Miss Misty.

'Or... we can just sit here in uncomfortable silence.' Winona chuckled nervously.

The trees were much quieter today. By the looks of it the weather was going to stay pleasant for a while. Since there hadn't been a lot of rainfall, it took a while for them to find the stream. But once they did, they finally made their way downwards once again. Winona in front, trying to squeeze her way through the narrow parts. Jeremy behind her, panting in a high, suffocating tone. Next was Heidi, painfully aware of the flesh swinging up against her leg over and over. Last was Bruce, trying to keep his breasts from bouncing with each and every step.

Their feet carrying them back to the place none of them were eager to return to.





Nothing but water trickling down into a puddle.

'Perhaps... Perhaps one or two of us should have stayed in the B&B. Maybe she just went for a stroll or something.'

'Sabrina? A stroll? In the middle of fucking nowhere with the shower running?'

'I'm thinking okay! I'm just hoping she didn't get my wish yet.'

'And what if she did? I mean, what makes you think she's here?'

'Shh!' Winona raised a finger, putting it against her ear. 'Do you hear that?'

'What am I supposed to-' But now Bruce heard it too. Between the trickling of the water, there were cries. Names calling out. It was faint, but present. He put his hair behind his ears.

'Look!' Jeremy cried, pointing at a mossy rock, causing all to look at it.

'Sabs!' Heidi gasped.

'Babe?' Bruce squealed.

'Oh no.' Winona sighed.

Behind that mossy rock stood a creature. Most who would pass by would have taken no notice of it, but those who looked closer would be surprised to see a girl wearing a dress made of grass. Indeed, this girl was human. But her size was that of half a dragonfly.

'Down here! You guys!'

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