Chapter 9

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That was it. Words weren't going to solve this problem. Actions would.

Ashton wasn't expecting the punch that sent him on his butt. His jaw was throbbing and the metallic taste of blood filled his mouth. He took a moment to recover before he stood up, adjusting his clothes. The next moment, the door busted open and Eva ran in, shortly followed by Rio.

"Are you daft? Why do you never listen?" Damion asked, anger dancing in his blue orbs.

"She's probably so confused Damion. Why can't you see that? She has to know who she is." Ashton replied.

"And who exactly is she?" His tone was frosty.

"Damion, Ashton is_"

Damion raised his hand. "Don't butt in Eva. This is between Ashton and I." He turned to Ashton. "Who exactly is she? Who do you think she is and why does she have to know?"

Ashton gulped. "She's one of us Damion."

"No she isn't! She isn't one of us neither is she like us. Get that into your thick skull. This is the last time we're going to discuss this. I don't want you pulling any more stunts."

"And who are you exactly to tell me what to and what not to do?" Ashton's tone was challenging. "You're not exactly the god you used to be and no matter how hard you try to hide it or how many elixirs you drink, it still won't change the fact that you're weak!"

Ashton was up against the wall the next second, Damion's hand tightening around his throat. His face turned red as he struggled for breath. The temperature in the room dropped drastically, everyone shivered, everyone except him.

"We don't wanna confirm your words, do we? Because I'm resisting the urge to kill you right here. Half of my problems will be gone with you. We both know what you want isn't the girl. Your every action has been leading up to this very moment. I can end you Ashton. And no matter how weak I am, you can't. Remember that." He said through clenched teeth, his eyes bloodshot.

He let go of Ashton and he fell like a heap on the floor, gasping for breath.

"Every body out." Damion said, walking back to his desk.

"Damion _"


He was left alone, the silence carrying his pain. He gripped the edges of his desk until his knuckles turned white. Hell, he saw red.

No one would have had the heart to challenge him if he was still the God he used to be, if he wasn't weaker. And if anyone wanted to raise a finger, it definitely wouldn't be Ashton. The disrespect.

His eyes trailed to the bottle of elixir at the edge of the desk. He glared at it. He needed to get himself back. He needed to redeem himself.


"And why should I disclose my kingdom's business to you?" King Aleric glared down at the woman standing before him.

"I'm the head of the council of mages and we're investigating a plague that is being spread through fire. We need to be sure your city is save." Sheila said.

"You already trespassed into my territory, forced your way into my castle, why do you need permission to go sniffing around?"

"We don't want to cause and uproar or have any bad blood with the royal family."

King Aleric scoffed, "You already did that much. What is it that you want to know?"

"The cause of the fire." Sheila replied.

King Aleric raised his brow at her. "You already have your suspicions. Weren't they confirmed?"

"Unfortunately, there weren't. The plague wasn't found in your trees."

"So what more do you want? Isn't that what you're investigating for?" King Aleric asked.

"They could be other reasons why that area was burnt. For one, it could have been necromancers practicing. If that is correct, that means you shelter them in your kingdom." Sheila replied.

King Aleric tsk. "You can't even control the people you lead. I'd know if I had necromancers in my kingdom. The fire was caused by bandits. They tried to kidnap two of my children and started the fire." He said. From the look on her face, she wasn't quite buying it.

"I believe they wouldn't be so clumsy. In my experience, such fire cannot be controlled by just anyone."

"Your point?"

"It is possible that the bandits were necromancers and your children had stumbled upon them practicing. Hence, why they decided to take them captive. With your permission I'd love to see them. They'll be of great help to my investigation."

"An impressive way to get what you want, I'll give you that. But you should know, I'm not a fan of magic users and I will not have one dragging my children into this mess." King Aleric said.

"The necromancers can strike anywhere. It could be here. And they won't care about your dislike for them before spreading a plague that could end your people. Your children will be dragged into this anyway." Sheila took a step forward. "We're trying to find them and stop them before they cause anymore harm and all we need is your cooperation."

"I'll give it."

Both of their heads snapped to the door. They hadn't heard her walk into the throne room.

"I'll give you my cooperation. It won't be of help, but since you're insisting, I'll do it." Eretria said.

Sheila almost gasped. Those amber orbs were something she never thought she'd see. Such beautiful eyes.

"We will not be accommodating her Princess Eretria. Go back to your room." King Aleric said coldly.

"But father_"

"No buts. I'll take care of it." He cut her off.

Eretria's eyes strayed to the lady who was staring back at her like she was horrified. Had she grown horns overnight?

"Yes father." She subconsciously touched her head as she walked out.

"You've overstayed your welcome. But please, feel free to sniff around the kingdom. I don't want you leaving empty-handed." King Aleric said.

Sheila turned to him, snapping out of her daze. She had to meet with that girl. But the king was intentionally keeping her away. Does he know?

"Your majesty, a few seconds with the princess won't hurt." She insisted.

"I'm afraid it will. She's rather uncomfortable around strangers. The second prince isn't. But I doubt he's in a condition to talk."

Sheila gave him a hesitant nod. Her thoughts weighed on her as she met Jon outside the castle.

"How did it go?" He asked.

"The king knows something he's not letting on."


Hey lovelies, hope you're enjoying the story? Cos I enjoy writing it.

So, I might be off the app for a long while. It's on probability and I'm really hoping it's not for long. That being said, updates may be dreadfully slow, but please bear with this author.

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