Chapter 18

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Why was it so painful to move? Even the slightest movement hurt. Sunlight filtered into the room, painting it an orange hue. The curtains had been pushed aside and Eretria hated it when the sunlight assaulted her the moment she woke up, hence why she kept it close.

But she wasn't in her bed and she doubted these strangers knew much about her preferences. She groaned and tried to shield her eyes from the sunlight, bringing herself to her sitting position. Hell, who knew falling down the stairs could hurt so much. She had better watch her steps in the future, if she didn't escape soon.

Her eyes strayed to the window, where a figure stood, staring outside. She had expected the annoying lord of the house but the short brown hair was a strong contrast to his long white one. She groaned again and definitely caught his attention.

He turned to her, green eyes gleaming in the sunlight. It felt familiar.

"Who the hell are you? Another divinity that has come to check if your bet died?" She asked, swinging her legs down.

He gave her a wry look. "Not all divinities are interested in humans to place a bet." He said, walking towards the bed.

Eretria chuckled. "Right. Makes me wonder why I'm here." She attempted standing but swayed, grabbing the edge of the bed for support. "Hell," she grabbed her throbbing head, "how long have I been out?"

"Two days." He answered simply.

"What do you want?" She asked, pushing his comment aside.

He raised his eyebrow. "I had expected something different." He said, tapping his chin.

"Different? How?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Damion really is a fool. Can't believe he waited so long for something this.." he gave her a look over, "easy."

Eretria hated the way he stared at her. It was the kind of look she had gotten from judging fools who couldn't keep their opinions to themselves. "Don't sound like you're any better." She snapped. Those words weren't intended for him, but they slipped out anyway. "If I'm that easy why am I still being kept here?" She grounded her teeth.

"Oh, you're free to leave. But I doubt you'll be able to." He said.

Eretria decided he was the most hated out of everyone she had met. The lord of the house was vexing, but at least he didn't start looking down at her with only a glance. He did call her dumb, but she was weighing the honestly in his statement.

She decided talking wasn't a good use of her time. She needed to leave, fast. She would have reached for her dagger, but she realized she was barefoot. Infact, her entire clothing had been changed. She immediately stood up, inspecting the large dark green robe.

"What the hell! Where are my clothes?"

"I wouldn't know that. I didn't change you." He said with a shrug.

Eretria's cheek heated. Someone had changed her? She didn't even allow her maids help her with a bath and they had only ever seen her in her chemise. Nothing less. The fact that someone had changed her clothes while she was unconscious was vexing. She glared at him. As she hugged the robe tighter to herself, though it already had a large size. She still felt self conscious.

"Well, leave. Except, you've come to drag me to the dungeon like a prisoner or to make sure I don't run away." She said.

"Neither. And I doubt you'll be able to run away."

"That's for me to decide." She snapped over her shoulder as she began looking for her clothes.

Met with silence, she turned around to find him gone. Was she stunned? She shouldn't be. It won't be the first time something unexplainable happened to her. For one, she was in a house full of divinities who probably wanted her dead. She couldn't come up with any other reason why they'd keep her alive.

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