Chapter 36

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Adeline rushed after Eretria, but Dash materialized in front of her, his eyes stern. "Leave her alone, for now," he advised.

Adeline's determination faltered, but she stood her ground. "I want to make things right with my daughter. You can't stop me from doing that."

Dash's expression turned skeptical. "Forcing her to accept you isn't the way. You messed up, Adeline. Let her decide on her own what she wants to do with this new information."

Adeline's shoulders slumped in defeat. "I knew this would happen. I should have been here sooner. I'm scared she'll become Yennefer."

Dash's eyes narrowed. "You're scared your decisions will destroy her."

Adeline's voice dropped to a whisper. "I'll do everything in my power to stop that from happening. Even if it means sacrificing myself."

Dash's gaze lingered on her, then he vanished without a word.

Adeline leaned against the wall, clutching her chest. This was a total mess. Was that all because of her? It wasn't. Everyone who acted all righteous now had a hand in this mess but everyone was pinning it on her. But she couldn't give up even if her daughter threw her off a building. She had to get her away from here, away from all this people. She knew they'd all look for ways to exploit her somehow and shs couldn't let that happen. And if she could get her daughter on her side, she could once again have the upper hand with Damion, just like how she did when she possessed the heart.

Placing it in Eretria was her mistake, but she had to save her daughter, and herself.


Eretria didn't think she'd run into Dash but, alas, the man was everywhere.

He gave her a look and she could faintly read concern from it but was this man capable of showing concern for others?

"How did it go with your....guest?" He asked, crossing his arms behind him.

She frowned at the sight. "Tell me you didn't know." She said, jutting her chin in the air. "Tell me you didn't know all this before I met that woman." She added, walking past him.

"Your mother..."

"She's not my mother." She said, cutting him off, "she ruined my life and was too scared to stay."

"Is that what she said?"

"Did she have to say it?" She asked back, turning to him. "It's pretty obvious my mother didn't want me. If she did, she wouldn't have done this to me, fully knowing the consequences. It's pretty obvious." She began walking away again.

"Do you still want to attend Gwen's wedding?" Dash asked, making her pause.

"No." She said over her shoulder. "The last thing I want right now is being back in that place..." She sighed. "I feel worn out. I don't know where to call home anymore or who to call family. No one told me this much burden came with carrying the heart of fire, whatever that means."

She yelped when Dash suddenly caught her hand, turning her around to face him. This was the closest she had ever been to him and she could see the familiarity in his blue eyes.

"It's not just about having the heart of fire. It's being reborned. You can't call anyone family because in your past live, you destroyed the families of others. Do not let this people keep brainwashing you that you're the victim here. You destroyed lives in your past life and there's no home for such a person."

His words were harsh, his eyes blazing. His voice was low and even, sending chills down her spine. His words hung on the air, the weight settling on her. It felt like a pang in her chest and she had to force herself to look away.

No home for such a person.

Was she the monster after all?

She pulled away, eyes burning with tears, breath trembling.

"Yennefer's a different person from me." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "She...." She paused as the ringing in her ears grew, accompanied by the screams piercing the air.


Sheila's voice broke the shortlived spell and the sound of her hurried steps brought Eretria back to what was real.

She was the monster.

She brought her eyes to meet Dash's, then teleported away.


Damion was in one of those situations where he knew his curse was a threat to his life when Eva bursted into the room.

He was on his feet, his hands resting on his desk, his eyes closed as he endured the biting pain running through his body. It felt like his blood had been replaced with ice and his bones with spikes. It was utterly tomernting but three centuries of the same pain had made him able to bear with it. But it was still maddening. The pain. And all he longed for was to get rid of it. But what was holding him back?

"You look like you could pass out any moment now." She said, her tone edgy.

"I might." He said, voice sounding strained. When he opened his eyes, they were a rather dark shade.

"Damion, your eyes..."

"I know." He said, pushing away from the desk.

"You could die any moment now and you'd say you know what you're doing. You don't." She stated.

His eyes searched hers and he could see nothing but worry and concern.

When he didn't say anything, she searched her pocket and brought a bottle.

"You can't refuse. In as much as I hate the idea of this," she shook the bottle, "You can't die, yet."

He scoffed softly and lowered himself onto his chair.

Eva walked closer and placed the bottle on his desk.

"I think I know why you hesitate, why you don't even know were you stand in all this." Eva said, watching as he gulped down the contents of the bottle. "It's because you encouraged her. When she first found out about her powers, you were there with her, telling her it didn't make her monster." She chuckled softly. "But it did. Eretria and Yennefer might or might not be the same person, but remember that the Yennefer you knew was lost when her rage took over. Might happen again, with Eretria, and we'll be going through the same thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25 ⏰

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