Chapter 13

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Wil popped a few grapes into his mouth. "I mean, we meet occasionally." He said, sending Eretria a look.

They were all seated in the palace garden. Gwen and Ander sat on the swing adjacent to her, no surprise there. Just as she was closer to Roman, Ander was closer to Gwen. Speaking of Roman, he was seated beside her. She had been shocked to see him in the halls. Apparently, he never actually left, he just had some business to take care of in town. She couldn't help but glare at both Gwen and Ander. They definitely knew what they were doing. Wil had a bowl of grapes which he had specifically told the maid to prepare for him, on his laps. He occasionally slapped George's hand away, wanting the bowl all for himself.

Who knew Wil enjoyed grapes? Apparently, she was just finding out. And just as he appeared to be a very responsible older brother, he could be a little childish, like refusing to share his grapes. That was a side to him she had never seen. Storm sat crossed legged on the grass, a book beside him. Eretria guessed that was his escape if things got too weird. And she had to admit, the thought of joining him down there was tempting and when she gave in, everyone gave her a weird look. She adjusted her dress over her legs and returned Wil's look.

"Yeah, how often?" She said.

"Ander and I most times draw together." Gwen said.

"You draw?" Eretria was sure George had asked a question everyone wanted to ask. She knew Ander could draw, but he always said he didn't enjoy it. And now, she was hearing he draws together with Gwen who she never knew could hold a brush.

Gwen rolled her eyes and turned to Eretria. "This has to be one of your smartest ideas."

If that was a compliment, why did it feel like an insult?

"Thanks." It came out as question.

"Wil and I are always in court meetings." George said.

"Or archery." Wil added, popping more grapes in his mouth, earning a disgusted look from George, not that he minded the look. "And you and Roman are always... up to some mischieve. "

She tried not to glance at Roman. So apparently, all her siblings did something with another. Except, poor Strom. But he didn't seem to have a problem with it. She knew he preferred his alone time. Mingling wasn't a trait he was associated with.

"I'm just saying, there are a lot of things we don't know about each other." Eretria said.

"Maybe it's for the best." Storm said, surprising her. "We don't have to know everything about each other."

"Maybe not everything. But in this few minutes, I've learned Wil loves grapes, Gwen can draw and Ander apparently enjoys drawing." She gave him a look. "He was always dumping his paints in my room." She said.

"In my defense, you've always wanted to draw and asked me to teach you." Ander said.

Eretria shook her head. "Messing my room was definitely not the way to do that." She defended.

"Yeah, you certainly proved your point." He said and waved his wrist.

Eretria froze. His wrist. How had she forgotten?

"That was an accident.'" Roman said before Eretria could come up with a responsible.

"Trust me Roman, if you were there, you'll have another thought" Ander said, fingering the long sleeve of his grey shirt. A color that matched his eyes.

Gwen slapped his shoulder. "Why the hell did you bring that up now?" She asked.

"Because." He glanced at Gwen. "Since we're getting to know each other more, I wanna know something." Then he looked at Eretria. "What happened to you?"

Eretria felt her eyes burn. She fought back tears as memories rushed forward. She stood  so fast, she almost fell. She didn't let her gaze trail to any of her siblings.

"This was probably...a bad idea." She said in a shaky voice and practically ran out of the garden, tears burning her eyes. How had she forgotten?

"Way to go Ander." Roman said.

Ander leaned back with a sigh. "I'm sorry."


Eretria bursted into her father's study, slamming the door as she stepped in. Her father, who was going through some papers, paused and looked at her. He sighed inaudibly. Eretria throwing a tantrum wasn't new.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" She asked, taking powerful strides to his desk.

"Is there something you want to hear?" He retorted, going back to the papers in his hand.

Eretria fought the urge to fling those papers across the room. "Actually, yes." She stood in front of his desk and placed both her hands on it. He raised his head to stare at her and for the first time, Eretria questioned where she had gotten her eyes from. Her father's eyes were a very dark - almost black - shade of brown which most of her siblings had inherited. Ander's eyes were grey, just like their mother's. Roman, George and Wil had their fathers eyes, Gwen's were a lighter shade and Storm had his mother's ink blue ones. Her amber eyes were bright and had an almost yellowish hue. No one in the family possesed such eyes. "Who am I?"

The question definitely caught him off guard. "What?"

"Are you actually my father? Am I actually royalty? Do I belong in this family?" She asked, holding his gaze longer than she had in her entire life.

King Aleric rubbed his forehead. "Where is coming from?"

"A place of doubt. Because I've been having a lot lately. Who am I?"

"Who do you think you are?" He asked back making Eretria grit her teeth.

"Will I be asking you if I knew the fucking answer?!" She snapped.

"Eretria, you will not speak to me in that tone." He father bit out.

"I will speak to you in any tone I deem fit. You're hiding something from me and I wanna know what." She took a deep breath before meeting his gaze again. "I'm sorry." She said and took a step away from his desk. "There's just been a lot going on lately and I can't take it anymore." Her voice was almost a whisper and she hated it. "Not that you care, you never do." She muttered and turned for the door.

Her father didn't say anything. He was awfully quiet and she hated it. There were a lot of things he could say, like, he actually cared for her, or maybe dissipate her worries but he remained quiet even as she closed the door behind her. She lingered for a moment before walking away, a heavy feeling in her chest that came with the decision she was about to make.


Hey readers, I'm so glad to be able to write once again. These last few days has left me bedridden but thanks to God, I'm fit once again.

This chapter was written after much consideration. I finally decided it was high time Eretria took a bold step. We're gonna see what she does next in the next chapter but I'm sure most of you can already guess.

It's my eldest sister's birthday today and we're having an online party. That's right. That's why this chapter is coming in late. Well, she's not in the state and we're all celebrating online since we're all not in the same state. We're all spread out.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop my blabbering now. Remember to comment, vote and share. See you in the next chapter

Loor you 😘

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