Chapter 16

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Eretria shook her head a dozen time to ensure she wasn't dreaming. How had finding answers landed her in this mess? Divinities, betting on her? Ha! It was just as laughable as it sounded but there was nothing funny about the fact that she was in potential danger.


She had to run away from here. She had to get away before anyone came back for her. She was in a state of panic that she didn't realize she wasn't in her pants and shirt, but in a slightly large robe. Her boots and daggers gone. Not until she padded barefoot to the door. Where they also thieves? She knew for a fact her clothings cost a decent amount. Her hand flew to her neck, grateful she still had her pendant.

She opened the door and peeked outside, making sure no one was in sight before she fled from her room.

Right or left. She had no idea where to turn to but kept walking in the direction her feet took her. Soon, she heard voices echoe in the large halls. She hastened her steps, the voices getting closer. In desperate need for a hiding place, she diverted, shifting into a new hallway. There was a large door at the end of the hall and she desperately prayed it led to an exit. Grabbing the knob, she pushed the door open, breathing hard at how heavy it was. She glanced around and cursed.

It wasn't an exit. It was a room. Dark and lacking warmth, like the rest of the place. She glanced around for a hiding spot, awfully aware of the growing voices. She had to escape before Eva finds her. Her eyes landed on the four poster bed and without a second thought, she went under it.

She clammed a hand over her mouth when the huge door opened. She waited in silence but no one walked in. She heard the door shut and breathed out a sigh of relief, thanking the stars. Maybe, too soon.

Booted feet came into her view and she nearly gasped. Rounded one corner of the bed and stopped in front of her. Eretria could hear her heartbeat in her ear. Then they moved to another corner of the room.

A sigh of relief was a good idea until a pair of arms grabbed her ankle and pulled her from under the bed.

A scream erupted from her stomach but instantly died down when she met the pair of ocean blue eyes. She could stare at them forever but the spell was broken when he spoke.

"What do you think you're doing." His voice was a deep timber that carried every ounce of displeasure.

"Hiding?" She gulped. "From you betting monsters."

"You're not doing a very good job."

"Yeah, no kidding."

Aware of his hands still on her bare ankles, warm against her skin, she kicked against him, grabbed the edge of the bed and hurled herself up. She instantly felt dwarfed. Her head was a breath away from his chin. Then her eyes landed on his chest. He was shirtless. Her face heated up as her eyes traces the fine  outline of his chest.

She instantly looked away, her eyes and neck turning red. She heard him move and when she turned to face him, he was slipping on a shirt.

"I'm still wondering how she convinced you." He said, more to himself but she caught it. She turned fully to him, grateful for the shirt. She could hold a proper conversation an incredibly good looking man who wasn't shirtless.

"She didn't convince me. She tricked me!" She said, crossing her hands over her chest.

"Sounds like Eva."

"That's her actual name. At least she was honest about something."

He moved to the desk in the room and leaned against it. "What words did she use in tricking you?"

"That she's a divinity, like me, whatever that means."

"But she is."

"And she made me believe she started the fire."

He tilted his head. "Did she say that?"

Eretria pursed her lips, thinking. Did she? "Well, no. Not in the exact words." Her voice was low. "But my point still stands. I was tricked into coming here. If it weren't for the attack, she wouldn't have succeeded."

"You weren't tricked. You're just dumb." He said.

Her jaw dropped. "Excuse me?! I won't have you insulting me." She snapped.

"But is it an insult? Someone smarter would have known something's up." He said.

"Well, she's incredibly good with words. She knows how to mince them to her favour. I'm here because of her and I want to leave."

"You're welcomed to, if you can. No one will stop you."

"If I can? What is that supposed to mean?"

He gave a little shrug. "You can be one your way now." He said, rounded the table and sat on the chair.

Eretria walked up to the table and stood a few feet away. "This isn't another trick, is it?"

"If you're smart enough, you'll now."

Anger washed her features. "For your information, young man, I'm very smart."

He quirked a brow at her. "Young man?"

"What? How old are you? 28? 30? That's pretty young."

The corner of his lips tugged a little, it was barely noticable. "Whatever you say."

"So, can I leave now?"

He flicked his wrist dismissively at the door, "Go on."

She turned around but turned back to him. "Just to be sure, you're the lord of the house, right?"

He leaned backwards. "What do you think?"

"You might be a fraud for all I know."

He shook his head. "It's your choice to make."

She took another step and turned to him. "I have a question.".

"You have a lot of questions."

She ignored his remark and went on. "The other day in the forest, it was you right?" When he didn't protest, she took that as her answer an went on. "What did you mean by what you said?"

"Do you really wanna know?"

She grounded her feet. "Yes."

"It could kill you."

She stilled. Oh no. How had she forgotten? He had said something about wanting to kill her but keeping her alive to see if she's worth it. How had she so easily fell onto his lap? She stared, wide eyed, at him. This had all been a trap and she had so easily fell into it. Had the attacks also been part of his plan?

Her feet moved before she could think. Where was she running to? She had no idea. But she knew she had to get away from him. From everyone in this household. But she had no idea where she was running to and kept staring over her shoulder to check if anyone was on her tail.

She definitely didn't notice the stairs until she lost footing and tumbled on it. Her body collided with the rough edges of the stairs as she tumbled downwards. Pain numbed her and she laid on the cold floor, cover in bruises. She could barely move a finger when she saw the same booted feet come into her line of sight. She just laid there like a piece of wood as he bent down and picked her up with a sigh.

Maybe she was dumb after all. This had been too easy.

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