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Horse club:

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Horse club:

Taehyung and his entire family were at the club and were riding horses........

Jang yu:I can say the  club is very beautiful I have never been here for riding before....

Sohyun: We have been coming here for a long time, almost our whole family comes here sometimes.....

Jang yu: I am also a very good rider, you can go and see with me for a race......

Sohyun:We can go on a nice long ride with this horse.....

Jang yu: my pleasure mam, Saying this, he offers his hand to sohyun's and helps her to sit on the horse.......

Seeing all this, Taehyung didn't't know what to do, so her took off his gloves and hit the ground......He left the field

He went to his mother and sat down

Taehyung:Mom, who is this person, he was in our house too, and here too, I don't like this person interfering with our club like this....

Dami:Son, I have heard that he is sohyun's future fiancee......

Taehyung: what,? What are you talking ...it can't be possible......

Dami: In what tone are you speaking and how are you speaking?Taehyung: she can't do this

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Dami: In what tone are you speaking and how are you speaking?
Taehyung: she can't do this ......

He shouted and ran away from there in anger.......

Dami: 💭 What happened to him? For a few days, he is very confused and frustrated........I hope you are well, lest there be trouble for me......


Kangsu: What happened, why are you breaking things like this? You broke all the glass in the club. Are you unwell?

Taehyung: sohyun's engagement is going to happen with that guy, I will not let it happen now, she has been avoiding me for so many days, but she did not understand, surely her mother must have put pressure on her.......

Kangsu:You are being a bit too over-possessive and you shouldn't be doing all this anywhere.....

When you don't think you're showing too much emotion, it's always been my opinion that you're wasting yourself...
I never saw any effort on sohyun's part, she never even took a single step towards you.  And you run a thousand steps for her...

Unposed season 1Where stories live. Discover now