Sedate that rat!

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"Alright, this works well. Audio recording allows me to do everything easier, but I have less time to think. I'll probably ramble, but whatever. Anyway, we finally got NW. She- she came out of the vents, K told us what her favorite food is, Dr. Wilson made it, and I put it in my fridge. NW climbed out, and we sedated her! Haha, got her! I'm excited, if you couldn't tell. She kept stealing my food, and some of my stuff was missing too. End audio log."

"Son of a bitch! I'm- I don't know. I don't know. (Sigh) I-I don't. Our security system crashed, and all hell broke loose. (Dr. Wilson and Dr. Ivo in the background) I- One minute, we were in the testing area with Dr. Nemur and Dr. James, the next, NW drops onto Dr. Nemur and kills him. We run, and the other 2 subjects escape. AO pounces on Dr. James, and...(sigh) 3 casualties is too much. Dr. James, Dr. Josh, Dr. Nemur. Not to mention Dr. Eugene from last month. We've locked ourselves in my lab until help arrives. Dr. Miles is still out in the danger area, and Dr. Rodriguez, Dr. Watson, Dr. Brown, and Dr. Star are in the other part of my lab. Dr. Afton just got back from his vacation. He's called in help. Hoping it goes well."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now