(12 Months elapsed)
"This log is a year later. Zach, who goes by Skye now, has accepted my condition. Foxtrot has spread into the public, but the aggressive strain has mostly died. It's mutated to be airborne, but non zombifying. No action needed. *sigh* I'm not experiencing any lasting issues. My hearing is a little more sensitive, my smell is stronger. This is my last log, I'm sorry. I know you all enjoy reading and listening to these. Before you ask, I'm legally allowed to post these. Also, you all can ask questions. I appreciate them in advance. When I check them, I'll answer. Thank you all. Have a great rest of your day."
"Of course, I forgot to mention things last log. NW and AO are going through rigorous therapy that's changing how they think to hopefully remove their homicidal urges. Hopefully. NW will have prosthetics when they aren't violent. As for me, I now resemble an anthropomorphic calico cat. I've also been questioning myself, I'm going to be going by Juniper for now. Any pronouns work. I really followed Skye's example, huh? Heh. Anyway, you all ask your questions. ...Oh, yeah. K and Dr. Afton. Unfortunately, Afton was terminated. It was in self defense, since he attacked SRWC, so they had to shoot him. As for K, she's being tested for violence. I'm not allowed to disclose that."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing)
ParanormalImportant notice: This story is completely generated from the mind of Roman Barnaby, a friend of mine. Desc - A story about a virus that can transform people into anthropomorphic animals. Cover by Sayomarie