All is well...

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"Recently, a new development has occurred. Foxanium Troxide, our current research subject, is super interesting. It was originally thought to be a chemical around when the periodic table was created by a few...kinda unhinged people. Conspiracy theorists making fun of science, I guess? I dunno. That's my personal theory. Richie, or Dr.Bradley, whatever, is head research right now. He's keeping a close eye on stuff, and things. He's really uptight and boring though. Dr.Wilson, she's a lot more fun. I'll ramble, so uh, should probably...prolly wanna explain Foxtrot. Wait, Rich explained it in his notes, so I don't have to. AO has hit stage 4, NW is in stage 3, RC is in stage 5. TK, our first test chamber, and formerly designated for whatever reason as J, is being treated for...a lot. Uh- I didn't wanna read all that, so uh, um...he had a lot. I-I noticed some blood clots though in the records. Dr.Ludwig has his work cut out for him, but he is a miracle worker. Um...Oh, right! I was recently scratched on the side by AO. Rude. But uh, can't really blame her. Dr.Ludwig was concerned about it, but I'm fine. Probably not even infected. But uh, yeah. That's all from me now. Dr.Miles Rose out. ... Alright...*Writing sounds* ...*Dr.Miles humming to himself*  Oh, I forgot to stop the recording! Oops. Heheh. Bye for real now, heh."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now