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"So K wasn't bit by NW, which is narrowing the possibilities of why NW pulled K into the vents. Concerning. If what the intrusive thoughts say are true, I definitely don't want to know. They were "married" before they volunteered to test, again, our records don't show it. Never mind about that. NW is still in the vents. Dr. Wilson is getting concerned about NW being aggressive, I am too. Dr. Watson is ready to terminate, I don't know why. Dr. Rodriguez and Dr. Brown are on my side here. Dr. Ivo is still shutting people out. Dr. Miles is still being himself. Chaotic. Dr. Josh has had his dissection and body inspection. His body has traces of Foxtrot, around the areas where NW bit him. Foxtrot is definitely transmittable like a zombie infection. Concerning. Dr. Nemur, Dr. Star, and Dr. James formed a clique. Not good. The last damn thing I need is people forming cliques.
-Dr. Richard Alexander Bradley."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now