Audio log

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"Alright, this is a little different. I'm trying an audio recording, so maybe the transcript- or I dunno. Whatever gets into the audio gets through, since I can't really do much else with writing only. June 16th, [YEAR REDACTED] Admittedly, this is...a horrible idea. Dr. Miles suggested trying Foxglove, to see if that did anything. I-i don't know if it's a good idea, my instincts are screaming it's not but. I don't know. I don't think I'll do audio recordings. I have less time to think- I'm getting off track. NW hasn't left the vents, she knows I'm waiting to spring a trap. Dr. Wilson's earlier annoyance in our conversation was worrying now that I have time to think. She's usually super jokey, and she seemed angrier. I know irritability can be a sign of Foxtrot, Dr. Miles and AO both had that and NW was simply annoyed more, s-so I'm a little concerned about maybe NW attacked her? She did have a bite mark on her wrist, and...i-i don't know. I wish I did. She isn't the type to hide things, so her sudden behavioral change is worrying me. This is Dr. Bradley signing off. End audio log. .... good I said end audio log."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now