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"Dr. Star and Dr. Watson just left! They have tranquilizers with them, but if they get caught off guard, they get killed. The idiots didn't even grab a light, even though the lab's emergency red lights are the only ones on, the normal LED lights went out. I don't know what the hell they were thinking. It's been about a day. June 24th."

"Dr. Star and Dr. Watson haven't came back. They're definitely not. We heard a yell from Dr. Star, so I assume AO or NW got to them. We've sealed the vents so NW cant get through. She's tried. Dr. Ivo has an idea. Foxglove. I don't think it's a good idea, and neither does Dr. Wilson. I- (vent noises) what the f- (BANG!) Oh SHIT! (Panic noises, running. Dr. Brown yell, cutoff by being fucking murdered by NW) I'll get the door! (Beepbeepbeepbeep. Beep! Air sealed blast door shut sound) I guys alright? (Yeah, sure, probably, I guess) yeah. Bout what I expected. Right on time. NW broke through the seal, and killed Dr. Brown. Dammit. I didn't even know her well. I am so glad this device can move.  Dr. Wilson, chill. There aren't vents in this room, and I doubt NW could break through the blast door. (Sigh) yeah, do I even end this audio log? Our safety area just got broken. Maybe Dr. Star was right to suggest termination of NW. End audio log, I guess? Ugh..."

Foxtrot - By Roman Barnaby (Ongoing) Where stories live. Discover now