Jaundice Pt.2

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Professor Oobleck zoomed around his classroom talking in what sounded like superspeed to his students and those who heard barely cared for the history class having other if not more important matters occupying their thoughts. "Prior to the Faunus Rights Revolution or more popularly known as the Faunus War."

Oobleck zooms up to the front of the class and pointing at Menagerie on the map that covered his desk. "Humankind was quite, quite adamant about centralizing Faunus population in Menagerie. Now! While this must feel like ancient history to many of you, it is imperative to remember that these are relatively recent events! Why, the repercussions of the uprising can still be seen to this day!" Oobleck zoomed around the classroom more, sipping his coffee again before continuing to zoom and talk. "Now! Have any among you been subjugated or discriminated because of your Faunus heritage?"

Some students raised their hands. Velvet, after a moment, followed suit.

"You gonna raise your hand, Y/n?" Ruby asked leaning over to Y/n shook his head while smirking.

"I was never really bullied, not for long at least." He chuckled darkly scaring some of the students that sat near him.

"Y/n's reputation was pretty scary back when we were kids Rubes, everyone in Patch called him the 'Bully Bullier' You ever wondered why everyone all the boys were practically scared of you? That's why." Yang chimed in smacking the back of Y/n's head and stopping his laughter.

"What!? Y/n I couldn't make any friends because of you, you big meanie! I thought I couldn't make any because I was weird but it was because you scared everyone."

"Meanie? No offense Red but you were weird as a kid besides Yang's at fault too, I only beat up bullies she beat up everyone." Y/n muttered only to be hit by Yang again this time harder. "Stop hitting me you jerk!"

"You snitch!"

"You told first!"

"Ahem! Children, please save that excess energy for your studies and or The Vytal Festival."

Professor Oobleck's voice cut through the bickering, causing the siblings to settle down. "Sorry, Professor Oobleck!"

"Now, which one of you young scholars can tell me what many theorize to be the turning point in the third year of the War?" Weiss raised her hand. "Yes?"

"The battle at Fort Castle!"

"stupid name."

"Precisely! And, who can tell me the advantage the Faunus had over General Lagune's forces?"

"Night vision. Many Faunus are known to have nearly perfect sight in the dark." Pyrrha answered before Blake interjected adding to Pyrrha's answer.

"General Lagune was inexperienced and made the mistake of trying to ambush the Faunus in their sleep. His massive army was outmatched, and the general was captured."

"Yes!" Oobleck nodded vigorously. "General Lagune underestimated the Faunus' capabilities and paid the price. This defeat was pivotal, demonstrating the strategic prowess and resilience of the Faunus. Now, moving on!"




Y/n stood in Ozpin's office at the front of his desk, hands in his pockets, looking unimpressed. Professor Goodwitch stood beside him, her arms crossed.

"Y/n," Ozpin began, his voice calm yet authoritative. "Care to explain why you felt it necessary to engage in a physical altercation with another student?"

Y/n sighed. "No I don't really care to explain but I doubt that's an option." Y/n sat on one of the chairs seated in front of Ozpin. "I was just standing up for Velvet. Cardin and his gurgle were bullying her, and so I stepped in."

RWBY: Siblings Three (Malereader)Where stories live. Discover now