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"RUBY!" Y/n shot up abruptly nearly falling out of the tree he was napping in as he heard Yang shout out to Ruby, he quickly glanced around below his tree spotting Ruby's cape pinned against the ground by Nevermore feathers holding her in place while a Death Stalker stalked its way towards her.

"goddammit, Ruby. Hey, you cold, scaly, scorpion fuck get away from my sister!" He leaped off the tree branch and simultaneously unsheathing his pistol transforming it into its katana form and cutting through the Death Stalker's tail cleanly and landing in front of it. "Oh hey, Weiss."


"Didn't I tell you to stop getting into fights Rubes? Honestly, you're starting to scare your big brother."


"Yeah, kinda my job," Y/n started but was interrupted by the Death Stalker's pincers coming at him only for the Grimm to be punched away by Yang. "Thanks, Sis, now before that Nevermore circles back Yang help Ruby and everyone else get your relics if you don't have 'em then make your asses scarce."

At Y/n's command, Jaune & Weiss grabbed a chess before joining the group as they all ran into the forest.




The group of teenagers continued their sprint toward the bridge that led to Beacon the Nevermore followed them from the air shooting its hardened feathers down at them in attempts to hit them.

"Jeez, this thing really wants us dead all this running is messing with my hair!"

"If you have time to complain maybe you should think of a plan to deal with it." Weiss interrupted Yang's whining.

"Hate to agree with her but she's right Yang," Y/n shouted back at them he was a distance ahead of the group that was until he tripped on some moss and fell into a hole that came out of nowhere. "SHIT AGAIN!?"

Y/n's sudden fall into the hole surprised the group, causing them to halt their mad-dash and turn back.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Ruby called out, clearly worried about her brother.

"I'm fine, just a little unexpected detour," Y/n called back, his voice echoing from the depths of the hole.

Yang leaned over the edge, trying to get a better look. "How deep is it?"

Y/n's voice echoed back again. "Deep enough my aura took the brunt of the fall. It's pretty dark down here thank gods for night vision."

"We have to find a way to get him out of there!"

"Not to sound cold or anything but I think we should keep going until we get back to Beacon then we could even send help." Of course, Blake's suggestion didn't sit right with the others, especially his sisters.

"Are you saying you want to leave my little brother down there by himself!?" Yang's purple eyes slowly started to change into ones that shined red and her hair started to spark embers into life before Y/n's voice echoed from the hole.

"Yang, calm down I'll be fine Blake's right anyway there's no need to wait I'll catch up just get to Beacon before that Nevermore decides to stop being patient."

Y/n's reassurance seemed to calm Yang down albeit barely. "Alright, but you better catch up soon! We'll meet you at Beacon, got it?"

"Got it," Y/n replied. "Now go before that bird decides to make feed out of you."


"You got it, Ruby!"

With great reluctance, the group turned away from the hole and continued their way toward Beacon.

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