theory making+telling,making out?

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( make out , theory making and telling)

I went downstairs ,[ should I ask
them?] I thought to myself trying to find courage to ask them if they're seeing something ,and why's their trip took them 2 weeks .

"Grandpa , Grandma , I might seem weird asking this but are you guys ok ? Why do you two seemed terrified or scared around me? " I said then they turn to me , giving each other glances in who's going to tell me but then grandma spoke, " Logan sweetie , the reason why we looked scared or terrified because....... We saw a black human build ,with a smile , and it was standing behind you , we just didn't tell you because , we thought that we were just seeing things ...." She said ,[wait .... They can see it???? This means I can tell them about it!] ,"what if I tell you that I already know about what you have seen the last week ? " I said to them ,they looked confused,"what do you mean son?" Grandpa said to me," those things .... I have dreamt of those these following days and the reason why I always looked tired and why me and the group started to hang out very often." I said , " so you've been saying , these things kept you at night ?? H-how? " My grandma said she looked worried," these things tried to kill me and my friends every night ,but I didn't tell you guys because of thinking that you might think I'm on drugs even if I'm actually not ..." I said, they stared at me and walked forward to hug me ,after my sad moment , I told them that im meeting with my friends , they said ok and let me go , I waved at them good bye and I was walking too happy, [I gotta tell them about this!] ,I got close to Ashlyn's house and went to wave at her,Aiden and Ben , I went to help them get the things and get ready before the twins came , we sat there waiting for them and they finally came we sat there eating and I spoke ," hey guys I know it's supposed to be a secret but ......" They looked at me eyes wide opened,"what? Who did you tell???? " Ashlyn said ,
"My grandparents,but let me explain !" I said ,"well before I went here , I asked them about what I told you Ashlyn about why they were scared or Terrified,right? And they told me bout the features of the phantom and I told them about the situation we were having , they're now wanting to help us and I agreed " I said , " what's their reaction when you said about our situation?" Tyler said ," at first they were shocked ,but I told them that of course I wasnt on drugs and they know that I wouldn't , so they believed me and I added about me getting tired most of the time " I said , "I'm glad that an adult could help us .." Taylor said ," wait-maybe we could ask about your parents again ash!" Aiden said turning to Ashlyn , at first it was a fail but maybe right now we could tell them ,"sure I guess maybe later " she said .

As the other were paying uno (Aiden, Taylor and Ben) Ashlyn called me ,
" So any thoughts or any theories?" She said , " well Im not quite sure , I have thought about the details of it but I haven't finished it maybe tomorrow?" I said , she smiled and nodded then she made me leaned down and shuffled my hair , " sure lil bro "  she said before walking off , I went to my shooting spot then Tyler climbed up and sat next to me, he held my hand made me sat closer to him ,we were just watching the sky , and it was a sunset by the way , we sat there looking at the beautiful sight but nothing can be more beautiful than the stars that I liked seeing at night , and unexpectedly we had another sleepover .

Ashlyn's parents told us that they were going somewhere , I guess supplies ? I think Ashlyn had told them which was a delight! , we sat there and I texted my grandparents that I'm having a sleepover again and they texted me that it's fine , we sat there watching till it's night the others were asleep and Tyler was watching and Im on my phone, he suddenly stood up and went to my direction , he kissed me again and again ,he then pick me up and we went in the  guest room ,yeah I know we didn't used it because it's close to Ashlyn's parents room but tonight they're not home ,so Tyler took me there , he leaned to me and we started kissing again , it took us for like I think an hour and a half ,and finally we pulled away I was breathless , he just smirked at me and held my chin up, he kissed me again then we heard someone walking toward the door we quickly pulled away and acted like we were watching a horror game , the person opened the door and it was Ashlyn,"what the heck are you two doing here? ," she asked ,Tyler lied to her that we were just 'watching a horror game ' and we didn't wanna wake them up , " weird but I heard someone kissing here but eh" she said I hid my face blushing like crazy then Ashlyn had closed the door , Tyler stood up to see if she's gone and she is, he walked closer to me , (they're sitting) he sat down and crawled about closer to me ,he held my chin up again and kissed me he held me close to his lap and my hands are on his shoulder while his hands are around my waist we've been kissing there for I don't know how long , then my watch suddenly beeped , I looked at it and it's 11:40 we made the time early so that we could still prepare before passing out , I kissed Tyler again and pulled away from him I went outside the door and gestured to Tyler that we should lay down , he laid down with me and we fell asleep .

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