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*ring!, "ugh .... I slept through again ....*sigh, sh-t I haven't finished my homework and it's due tomorrow morning! ,what time is it anyway? " I said  before looking for my phone , "10-,10:56??? Oh no how am I gonna finish this ?????! ,uugh as much as I wanted to sleep again I had to wake up and finish this at a short amount of time ,before fighting phantoms again ....." I said

*Ding! ,"huh? Oh Aiden has message in the group chat ,please don't tell me it's his new crazy ideas ......" . "Oh . As I expected 🥲" I said

Psycho- Aiden
Yes- Taylor
Ballerina - Ashlyn
Tall mute guy- Ben )

              💀phantom survivors 💀

Psycho:huiiiiiii giyyuuuyuys guess what!

No:oh no, please don't tell me you got another "fun" idea.

Yes:hey atleast his ideas are really fun 😜

No:fun? Don't you remember the last time we got lost in the woods? Good thing that shorty ballerina's dad found us after 6 hours of staying there 💀😒🤨

Psycho:ouch but don't worry it's a really fun idea !

Ballerina: yah how fun is it when at that time when we had a baking competition and you left the stove open ,saying "oh it's fine!" ,before noticing your t-shirt is on fire?

Psycho:damn boo boo pookie woookie bear,you don't have to expose me like that 😔

Tall mute guy: tf 💀

Stargazer: wtf 😦😰

Ballerina:please Aiden don't call me that 💀 💀

Psycho:why? Don't you like it?

Ballerina: duh ,if your gonna give me a pet name ,make one more logical 🤨

Stargazer:f-cking boo boo pookie woookie bear,hahahahaahhaahhahaha

Yes: ey! Language!

Stargazer : Nuh uh says the one who swears every milliseconds while talking about gossip?🤨

Yes:i- oh ..... Ok go on😊

No: Logan roasting people? Very rare .

Stargazer :very rare like having a b-tch

No:........ Ouch....

Tall mute guy: 😦

Yes: oohhhhhhh!!!!! He roasted you hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Stargazer: shush mlp wannabe 🤨

Ballerina : y'know what Logan I like this new side of you👍

Stargazer : shush emo shorty

Psycho: oh sh-t he mad as f-ck 😦

Stargazer:yeah mad as h-ll like how our teacher looks at your grades

Tall mute guy:yeah Aiden's crying😀

Stargazer:guys y'know I'm joking right😁

Psycho: wdym? You never joke

Stargazer :exactly

Stargazer:anyways when are we going to Savannah ash?

Ballerina :wow after playfully insulting my height ?

Stargazer : do you want me to playfully insult you again ?

Ballerina :no.... Anyways maybe next week ,we are still have not enough supplies ,I'd say we go to the market again.

Psycho:I agree with you po-



No: I'm still waiting for the "boo boo pookie woookie bear"😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ballerina:shush it


Ballerina :really tay you too? You traitor 😠😤

Yes: s-sorry I just cant hahahahahah🤣🤣🤣🤣

Tall mute guy:how tf did Tay stutter

Stargazer: idk maybe texting?

Tall mute guy:whatevs b-tch

Stargazer: kapre

Tall mute guy:tf is kapre???

Stargazer:why don't you search it? ,btw I got it from my partner in science 👍 she's a Filipino ,I asked her after watching her video ,it's like a scary mythical creatures?

Yes: yeah I searched it and it's pretty terrifying 😀

No:yep same too

Stargazer :anyways bye b-tches!🖕

Psycho: fu too lil bro!

As we finished texting ,I stand up from my seat and went to lay down on my bed ,and looked through my contacts again ,but this time it was Elise my new science partner

Elise: hey Lo

Logan:what is it El?

Elise: did you finished the search?

Logan :nope still searching ....tbh kinda stressful tho

Elise :hey what's wrong? Is there something I could help?

Logan:nah it's ok ,I'm fine

Elise:oh um ok ,anyways my birthday's is two weeks and I wanted to invite you! And you can invite someone too! Or maybe your group !

Logan:oh uh thanks I'll ask them about it!

Elise :with pleasure 😊 anyways are you free tomorrow? Maybe we can hang out ! Plus I want to be your friend

Logan:oh I'm not sure ...I'll think about it.

Elise :oh um ok,no worries ! Anyways bye lo!

Logan :bye El

[It's nice having a new partner in science .... Barron is a pain it the a-- tbh ]

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