|3| Faints (Liam)

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It was almost 3AM and Liam still couldn't fall asleep. He'd tried everything, he was exhausted but couldn't sleep. Hours passed when finally he had to get up and wake everyone else.

He went from room to room shaking everyone awake then decided to make breakfast. As he began the eggs he was hit with an intense amount of nausea.

He turned pale and gripped the counter as to not fall. "You okay Liam?" Louis asked walking into the kitchen.

"Yeah, I just got a little dizzy." Liam said hoping Louis would let it go. They had a busy day and he didn't want to ruin it, he was just tired.

"Okay," Louis said sitting down. The rest of the boys entered the kitchen and Niall was eager to eat.

"What are you making?" He asked Liam.

"Just some eggs."

Liam passed plates around and served each of the boys. He wasn't very hungry but he figured food might help settle the dizziness.

"We've got a busy day. We have a signing, an interview, and some recording to do." Liam announced sitting beside the boys. "The signing is in about an hour," Liam finished and then ate his food.

The boys hustled off to get ready. Liam was so tired, he felt nauseous and dizzy but he didn't want to seem weak so he pushed through. Once everyone was ready they piled into the car, driving off to the signing.

Once they arrived, it was very crowded. They were met by security to be split up and taken inside.

"Ready?" The security asked.

"Yep," Liam said and they pushed through the crowd to get in.

They met up in their dressing room, where Lou came to do their hair.

"Liam, your turn." Niall said pushing him over to where Lou was.

"You're looking a little pale Liam, are you feeling alright?" Lou asked as she did his hair.

"Yeah, just tired." Liam said sighing.

"Ok well, you're done. You make sure to tell someone if you feel bad." Lou told him and sent him off to get one of the others.

Soon enough it was time for the  signing to start. The fans came and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Liam still felt awful but he tried to pull it together.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, appearing behind him.

"Yeah, why?" Liam questioned, was he being obvious?

"No reason, you just look a little pale." Liam nodded and assured he was fine. Harry wasn't to convinced, but he planned to keep and eye on Liam.

The signing finally came to an end, leaving the boys to hurry to the interview.

As Liam stood he felt wobbly. He reached for the wall to steady himself before walking back into the room.

Liam walked into their dressing room to change, feeling extremely dizzy. Harry noticed the change in his expression.
"Liam? Are you okay?" Harry asked, noticing the boy sway.

"Just a little bit dizzy," Liam mumbled trying to block out the dark spots forming in his vision.

"Liam, you said the same thing this morning. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Louis appeared at his side.

"M-maybe not..." Liam said as he felt increasingly dizzy.

At that moment Paul walked in, "boys come on, we've got to get to that interview," he rushed.

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