Requested by AddictedbookJunkie
"Harry, get your bum down here, we have to leave right now!" Louis yelled to his boyfriend getting ready upstairs. Harry jumped up and quickly called out across the house.
"I'm coming!"
He spun around and hurried down the stairs. Before anyone could register what was going on he slipped.
Harry fell quickly, the side of his head hitting hard against the banister. Louis gasped in shock and worry as he watched Harrys head ricochet.
"Harry?" Louis crept up to the motionless boy in front of him.
"Lou? Where did you go?" Harry panicked looking up.
"I'm right here love, you okay?" Harry looked confused.
"What?" Harry asked back.
"Are you okay?" Louis repeated but got no response.
"I can only hear from one ear," Harry whimpered, his teary stained face was pale. "And my head hurts really...badly" he mumbled breathlessly.
"Umm," Louis thought for a moment. He pulled out his phone and quickly dialed a number he knew all too well.
"Hey lovey, it's gonna be okay. I'm going to take you to the ER, don't even try to protest. I'm calling them to say we'll be late right now." Louis said into Harry's good ear
"Okay." Harry nodded and tried to stand. He quickly fell back down, spots filling his vision.
"Shoot," Louis mumbled grabbing Harry as he collapsed.
"Mhmm," Harry groaned and gripped his head.
"It's okay, it's okay," Louis whispered knowing his words wouldn't bring much comfort. "I'm gonna carry you."
Louis scooped Harry into his arms silently and made his way outside. His phone buzzed loudly.
"Oh my goodness thank the Lord. Niall, something is wrong with Harry. We've had an accident and I have to take him to the ER. Can you please take care of management for me?" Louis begged.
"I will, don't worry about it. I hope Haz is okay, call me if you need anything." Niall offered and Louis smiled thankfully.
Louis hung up and drove quickly to the hospital. "Hang tight Haz, almost there." Harry nodded feeling dazed.
"Dizzy," he mumbled, breathing soon becoming quick and shallow. Harry closed his eyes, leaning his throbbing head against the window.
"Oh, crap, I'm going as fast as I can. Hold on love, you're okay." Louis coaxed but it was no use. Harry was mildly panicked and the fact he was feeling terrible made it much worse.
"We're here, think can you walk?" Louis asked already knowing the answer. Harry shook his head and groaned.
"It's okay, I'll carry you in." Louis walked over to Harry's side and lifted him out of the seat. He made his way into the ER and helped Harry to a seat. He ran up to the front.

1d Sickfics
FanficTitle says it all, I read a lot of these lol so I decided to make my own! Enjoy!