|18| Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome/EDS (Niall)

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No one requested this but I didn't know what to do and I needed something for Niall. For some reason, I did a lot of tour info researching and I found a video of their entire concert for the Take Me Home tour so we're doing that (Might even reuse it in other stories lol). Enjoy!

Niall's POV

"Are you okay?" Liam nudged me from his spot on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I answered looking down awkwardly.

"Honest swear?"

"Honest. I swear." I will be fine, eventually, so it wasn't really a lie.

Liam nodded, looking skeptical, but it worked. He dropped it.

He was the only one who knew about my condition. I tried to keep it a secret but he found out in a...not so pleasant way.

The honest swear thing was something we came up with when he first found out. It was a way for either of us to get the other to completely tell the truth, even if we didn't want to.

I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), which makes my joints too loose, my skin bruise easily, and my body constantly ache. It's not just about being flexible—it's painful, and my joints dislocate way too easily.

On top of that, I have POTS, which makes me dizzy and causes my heart to race, and gastroparesis, which messes with my stomach and kills my appetite.

Some days, I feel fine. On other days, like today, everything hurts, I'm exhausted, and eating feels impossible. Liam is the only one who knows other than the managers. I'd rather keep it that way—I don't want the others worrying about me.

The tour is always the hardest. It's the Take Me Home tour and we've got concerts all the time which is very physically demanding. I'm always tired and low on energy which worsens my POTS and makes it difficult to eat. Not eating worsens dizziness and makes my muscles feel like jelly.

We were sitting on the tour bus couch and I couldn't help but fidget. My fingers were stiff and my legs felt like lead. I watched Liam as he pretended to be invested in the movie we were watching. I could see his eyes drift to me but I ignored it.

"What should we do for dinner?" Harry asked looking up from his phone. He clearly had not heard our earlier conversation, either that or he didn't care.

"I'm not very hungry at the moment..." I mumbled fidgeting with my fingers. My stomach churned, making me feel even more nauseous.

"We've got to have something before we get to sound check, should we stop somewhere?" Louis offered.

"Let's go to Nando's," Zayn said knowing it was my favorite.

"Sure." Louis nodded and informed the bus driver.

We decided to go inside which was unfortunate for me because I did not feel like moving.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked appearing beside me.

"Nothing," I answered nudging him away.

"Fine," He said rolling his eyes and walking away. Liam looked over at me and studied my movements carefully.

We made our way to a table and sent in our orders. I hoped the food might make me feel better, or at least would stay down.

When they brought it out all the boys were talking and laughing. I tried to keep up but the pain in my joints was becoming more and more unbearable.

"Niall, you okay? You're looking quite pale." Harry asked carefully.

I nodded in a panic. They were noticing. My facade was falling. I couldn't hide it anymore. Something was going to happen, they were going to find out, and there's nothing I can do about it.

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