The band had gathered backstage after an interview and were waiting to find out where they needed to go next.
Louis had felt horrible all day. The boys only saw that he was very pale. They assumed it was just the lack of sun.
Louis felt extremely tired and dizzy. He had a huge headache, was really cold, and found it difficult to breathe.
The truth was he'd suffered from Iron Deficiency Anemia since he was in his teens. He had medicine but ran out a day ago, not having thought to carry extra. The symptoms were catching up to him.
The one thing he couldn't hide though, was the frequent nosebleeds he got as a symptom. The boys all new about that, but not the Anemia.
Louis was knocked out of his thoughts by a voice. "Lou, your nose is bleeding." Harry said softly.
"Oh," Louis said feeling the liquid hit his lips. Soon enough the blood was flowing fast.
Louis leaned forward and held his nose shut with lots of tissues but it wouldn't stop.
"This one's bad, you okay Lou? You're looking paler than usual." Liam asked.
"M'fine" Louis mumbled trying not to taste any blood.
"Let me get you another tissue." Harry said, grabbing Louis' arm.
"You're skins a little clammy," Harry observed. "And you feel warm, are you hot?"
"No, cold actually," the pale boy answered.
Five minutes passed of harsh bleeding and it didn't look like it was going to stop. "Haz...I feel dizzy," Louis whispered just loud enough for Liam and Harry to hear.
"It's okay, you're going to be fine." Harry reassured. Liam called Paul to inform him on what was going on.
"Yeah, hey Paul, It's Liam."
"What's up?"
"Louis' got a bad nosebleed, it's not stopping and it's like really heavy. He says he's dizzy. His skin feels clammy and warm. He's getting really pale too." Liam said filling Paul in.
"Okay, I'm almost there. He gets nose bleeds a lot, I'm sure everything will be fine. Try your best to get it to stop, if he passes out or something, find a medic." Paul instructed through the phone.
"Okay, bye," Liam said
"What's going on?" Niall and Zayn asked in sync as they walked into the room.
"Louis has a bad nosebleed." Harry answered.
"Oh, what can we do?" Zayn asked.
"Grab some more tissues?" Liam proposed.
The two boys ran off and came back with a lot of tissue boxes.
"Thanks guys," Harry said laughing at the amount they'd brought.
"How're you holding up there mate?" Harry asked adding more tissues.
"Chest hurtsss, I can't breathe. Dizzy..." Louis mumbled.
"Louis, is there something you're not telling us? I don't think your chest can hurt from a nose bleed." Liam sighed looking Louis in the eyes.
" tired," Louis slurred, his body was slowing down and he found it hard to keep his eyes open. The room spun around him, he had to close his eyes for the dizziness to stop. Even then he still felt nauseous.
"Louis? Someone get a medic!" Liam yelled after seeing Louis' body go limp in Harry's arms.
Harry did his best to stop the bleeding while Liam held the unconscious boy upright.
"Over here," Niall said guiding a medic over.
"What's the problem?" The medic, Chris, asked.
"He has a nosebleed and it's really heavy. He just fainted. Before that he mumbled something about Iron and anemia?" Harry said looking around, Liam nodded.
"Ok, I can't treat him here, we need to call an ambulance." Chris said, then used his radio to get someone to call.
"I'll let Paul know what's going on." Zayn said pulling out his phone.
Soon enough the ambulance came and the paramedics were able to stop the bleeding before they got to the hospital.
The boys were left to sit in the waiting room with Paul. After a few hours a nurse appeared.
"Anybody here for Louis Tomlinson?" All them stood.
"Follow me back this way," the nurse said leading them to a room.
"As I'm sure you knew, or maybe didn't, Louis has low iron anemia. He's supposed to be taking medication for it but it appears he hasn't been. That is what caused the nosebleed which lead to fainting. We've ordered a new prescription for him and it should be ready at the hospital pharmacy soon." The nurse informed.
"Can we see him?" Harry asked worriedly.
"Yep, he's awake."
They all hurried in to see their bandmate.
"Louis, are you okay? We were so worried, why didn't you tell us?" Liam asked.
"I'm sorry...I was embarrassed and normally my medicine works fine. I ran out a few days ago and I didn't know how to get more because I hadn't told anyone." Louis sighed feeling guilty.
"Louis, we need to prioritize your health. You have to tell us these things." Paul said trying not to be too harsh.
"I know, I should've told you."
"Are you okay, how do you feel?" Harry asked.
"They've given me some stuff to raise my iron levels and I feel better now. Im pretty tired right now, and I still feel dizzy." Louis admitted to his bandmates.
"Hi, sorry to interrupt. Your medicine is ready to be picked up, you can do that on your way out. Anyways, I need someone to come sign discharge paperwork." A nurse said entering the room. Paul nodded and followed her out.
Soon a doctor came in to inform them on what to do next.
"Make sure you take your medicine, that should help balance your iron levels. For the next few days, weeks maybe, you will probably feel weak or tired a lot, you will also probably get dizzy. If any of this happens try and take it easy. If you pass out again, come back to the hospital." The doctor finished and was thanked. Paul came back and they were able to leave.
Paul and Harry helped Louis to the car. They were given a day off to get Louis feeling better. After that he made sure to let the boys know when he ran out of his medication. The boys were constantly checking in on him, which could be overbearing at times, but Louis was glad to know they cared.

1d Sickfics
FanfictionTitle says it all, I read a lot of these lol so I decided to make my own! Enjoy!