|14| Vertigo (Zayn)

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I hope this chapter isn't too hard to read for anyone. I realized I'd used Liam a lot, but I want to keep writing about him. I will keep him in my chapters because I feel I shouldn't just stop writing about him. Thinking of this kind of reminded me of the Coco Disney movie about how when a person dies they go to the underworld but if you stop remembering them they die forever. Anyways...enjoy!

Zayn's POV

I woke up feeling odd, my body was shaky and I was dizzy. When I got out of bed, the quick movement only worsened the dizziness. I gripped onto the bedside hoping for some stability. I closed my eyes for a moment trying to regain my bearings.

I don't know what's wrong. Maybe I haven't been sleeping enough or the stress is finally catching up to me. With the tour we've been going non-stop, with everything they have us doing I can't believe we even have enough time to breathe.

I forced myself to stand up straight, focusing on the bathroom door. 'Just have to make it that far,' I reasoned and stumbled over there. My reflection looked just as bad as I felt. I looked ghostly pale and there was no way to hide it.

"Zayn?" a familiar voice called from outside my room. It was Niall. I could hear the sound of his footsteps approaching. "You awake, mate? We've got to go soon."

"Yeah, just... give me a second," I answered, my voice not sounding as steady as I would have liked. I tried to shake it off, walking slowly to the door, but every step felt heavier than the last.

I opened the door to find Niall leaning against the wall, his usual bright smile dimming when he saw me. "You okay? You look a bit... rough." I laughed awkwardly hoping to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, just feeling a bit... weird this morning," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Maybe I caught a cold or something."

Niall frowned. "You sure? You look like you're about to pass out."

I waved him off, not wanting to worry him. "I'll be fine. Just need some water or something."

But the truth was, the longer I stood there, the worse I felt. The world around me felt too bright, too loud. My senses were going crazy, it was all too much. My stomach churned and the dizziness only increased. Before I could say anything else, my knees buckled from beneath me.

"Whoa!" Niall was there in a second, grabbing my arm to steady me. "Zayn, man, you're not fine. Let's get you sitting down."

I nodded weakly as he guided me back to the bed, my head spinning even more as I collapsed onto it. The room was tilting, or maybe it was just me. Either way, I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart.

"I'll go get someone," Niall said, worry seeping through his Irish accent. "We'll figure this out."

I heard voices coming from outside my room as Niall came back. "What's wrong?" It was Liam's voice.

"He's sick or something, I don't know. He's pale and almost passed out on me earlier." Niall rambled and then they entered the room. Liam looked worried and came to sit beside me.

I leaned against the pillows, the only thing holding me upright at the moment. My heart was pounding inside my chest and I was having difficulty breathing through all the nausea. I knew this was much deeper than we were perceiving it as.

"What happened?" Liam asked concern etched in his expression. I shrugged feeling unable to speak anymore. "You feel really warm, Niall could you get a thermometer?" Liam asked patiently and Niall nodded, scurrying out of the room.

"I feel really bad...I can't even stand without the room spinning," I mumbled and he nodded with a pitying smile.

"I'm going to go have Louis or Harry call management and see if they'll let us have a sick day," I nodded and Liam got up to leave. Niall came back and took my temperature. We waited until the thermometer gave results.

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