|7| POTS [and sick] (Liam)

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*** Niam ship...

Enjoy :P

Liam's POV

I woke up from my nap feeling dizzy, which was something I was used to by now. I have POTS which stands Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It means that my heart rate gets really fast when I do things like transition from sitting to standing. All the boys knew about my condition and were very supportive. Especially my boyfriend Niall. We've been driving and doing things all day long.

We were done after the third interview. But sadly we were on our way straight to sound check before the concert tonight. I'd been feeling a bit sick all day, but I assumed it was just from stress. When we arrived I climbed out of the bus slowly. Each step a little wobbly, my head swimming in dizziness. Niall came over and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Are you okay love? Do you feel like passing out?" He asked as we walked inside.

"A little bit," I answered, knowing that being honest would be better.

"Why don't you sit down for a bit, until it's time to start." Niall suggested, leading me to a couch. I nodded my head slowly at what he said and smiled.

"Okay lovebirds, we've got to get going on with this," Louis said walking in.

"Liam's feeling a bit dizzy." Niall said patting my shoulder.

"Are you okay? Do you need to lie down?" Louis came over to where I was on the couch.

"Guys, I'm fine. I'll let you know if I need anything while we're out there." I insisted and got up.

We got onstage and sound check went really well for the most part. I began to feel really dizzy towards the end.

"Guys..." I said grabbing a stage prop to steady myself.

"Liam!" The boys shouted running to me as I fell to the ground.

The world spun around me, everything fading into black.

3rd Person POV

Harry got there first, making sure Liam hadn't hit his head. Niall pulled Liam into his lap. They knew all they could do is wait.

"What's going on?" Paul asked coming onstage.

"Liam's fainted." Louis said. Paul nodded, knowing about his condition.

"Will he be okay for the concert?"

"Probably, we'll have to see when he wakes up." Zayn said.

In a few minutes Liam began to stir.

"Li, stay down love." Niall advised, pushing him down gently.

"I'm okay, I'm okay." Liam said looking around

"Do you think you can do the concert later?" Paul asked kneeling beside them.

"Mhm," Liam said yawning.

"Why don't you take a rest until it's time for the concert, we were almost done here anyways."

"Hmm, okay," Liam said standing up with the help of the boys.

Niall wrapped an arm around his waist and guided him towards a couch backstage. Liam fell fast asleep.


Niall's POV

I woke Liam up carefully and helped him get ready. He seemed a bit out of it, but he looked less tired and more energetic.

In only a few minutes, it was time to go on.

"Hello (insert place here bc Idk)!"

And then the concert was in full swing.

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