|15| Epilepsy (Louis)

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Request by: BellaMichell

*After the band has split*

Louis had known something was wrong the moment he arrived at the awards show. He could feel it like a knot in his stomach, a gnawing sensation he couldn't shake. He'd been feeling off for days, pushing away the creeping signs that his body was about to betray him again.

He'd gotten used to brushing it off, convincing himself it wasn't a big deal, that he could manage it on his own. After all, he didn't want to be a burden. Not to the fans, not to the boys—especially not now that they'd gone their separate ways. He was fine, he's always fine.

But tonight, it was worse. The flashes of light were triggering his epilepsy but he didn't want to admit it. The loud voices, the jostling crowds, the attention—it all seemed to close in around him, making his head pound and his hands tremble.

He needed to get out of here. His shaking hands were difficult to hide, especially when he kept getting asked for autographs. He could feel his heart racing, jumping around in his chest, each thump sending a jolt through him.

Still, he plastered on a smile, hiding it behind casual laughs and forced jokes as he moved through the crowd. He told himself he just needed a minute to catch his breath. He would find a bathroom, freshen up, and come back out feeling better.

Sounds like a good plan

When he finally managed to slip away, he stumbled through the maze of hallways until he found the bathroom. He could barely stand by the time he made it to the sink, his grip tightening around the cold porcelain as he fought to steady himself. His reflection in the mirror looked blurry, and distant, like a stranger staring back at him. He knew what was coming but he had no choice except to fight it.

His stomach churned, a wave of nausea rolling over him as he tried to force down the dizziness. You're fine, he told himself, clenching his jaw. It'll pass. Just breathe.

But the room was spinning, tilting, and he couldn't focus on anything. He heard the distant sound of footsteps outside, and voices echoing down the hall, but they seemed miles away. He wanted to call for help, to admit he couldn't do this alone, but the words stuck in his throat. Before he knew it, his knees buckled, and he was falling, the hard tiles rushing up to meet him.

Then everything went black.

He didn't know how long he'd been out, but the first thing he became aware of was a hand gripping his shoulder, shaking him gently. "Louis? Louis, can you hear me?" The voice was familiar, warm, and laced with worry. He tried to open his eyes, to force himself back to the surface, but his body felt heavy, his limbs weighed down as if they were made of lead.

"Come on, mate, wake up." This time, there was a hint of desperation in the voice. He could feel the rough fabric of a jacket pressed against his cheek, a steady hand rubbing his back, grounding him, keeping him from drifting away completely.

Slowly, painfully, he forced his eyes open, blinking against the harsh fluorescent lights above. Liam's face came into focus, his eyes wide and filled with concern. He looked older, more worn, a few lines etched into his forehead that hadn't been there the last time they'd seen each other. "There you are," Liam said softly, his voice a mixture of relief and worry. "You scared the hell out of me, mate."

Louis tried to respond, to say something reassuring, but his mouth was dry, his throat tight. All he managed was a faint, croaky whisper. "Sorry." He could barely keep his head up at the moment, wanting nothing more than to sleep.

"Don't be sorry," Liam replied, shaking his head. "You've got nothing to apologize for." He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. "We need to get you checked out. I'm calling for help."

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