Asked for more about Zayn so requested sorta by luvmalikiously
Requests can go here!
Background info:
The boys are in Middle school
Harry - 15
Niall - 15
Liam - 15
Zayn - 16
Louis - 16They're all friends and go to school together.
Zayn's POV
My best friends all knew about my diabetes, it was almost impossible to keep it from them. When they found out, they all tried to learn more and help me. Of course with Liam being Liam, he was a tad bit overprotective, even if I was older than him.
My sugars had been a bit out of control lately. I constantly went low during the night. I didn't want to tell anyone because, really, I can handle it myself.
I woke up in a cold sweat, feeling shaky. I knew I was low. I reached beside my bed to grab my bag. After checking my blood sugar and seeing it was at 3.8 mmol which is low. I grabbed the candy beside my bed. I ate a few pieces and then waited. Once I felt better I checked my sugars again. I was at 4.9 and back in normal range. It was 5:30 AM and I saw no point in trying to go back to sleep since I would have to be awake soon anyways.
When my alarm went off I got out of bed and quickly got ready. Louis was picking all of us up because he'd just gotten his license. I showered and got dressed. My mom had made breakfast and I gave myself insulin before eating fast. I heard a honk and scarfed down the remaining food.
"That's Lou, I'll see you later mom," I called as I walked out the door.
"Hey, hop in. We still have to get Liam." I nodded at the words and climbed into the back.
"Hi Zayn, how are you?" Niall asked starting conversation.
"I'm good, and you?" I returned the question.
"Good as well," Niall answered and I nodded.
"How are you Haz?" I asked looking at him.
"Tired," he sighed loudly. I laughed and nodded.
Soon we got to Liam's house. Liam got in the front seat and we made our way to school.
When we arrived I waved goodbye to the boys and stopped at the nurse to drop off my spare kit.
"Good morning Zayn, how are you?" I smiled at her as I set my kit down.
"Hi, I'm doing good!" I exclaimed and then walked to class.
I made it through the first three classes feeling pretty good. It wasn't until right before lunch that I started feeling worse. I raised my hand and waited for the teacher to come over to my desk. We were in the middle of an exam and I knew she wasn't the best about letting me care for my highs or lows. My arms were shaky and I was sweating a lot. I felt like I might pass out.
"Miss, can I go to the nurse?" I asked softly, trying not to sound to tired.
"We are in the middle of an exam, can you wait?" She asked looking annoyed.
"Not really, I feel really faint and I think my blood sugar is low." She looked me up and down and rolled her eyes.
"You should've dealt with it before class." I nodded knowing that there was no point in arguing.

1d Sickfics
FanfictionTitle says it all, I read a lot of these lol so I decided to make my own! Enjoy!