All the boys knew about my diabetes, and how to deal with it. They made sure I took my medication and helped me through difficult diets put on us. The one put on us this time by management was hard. I was struggling the most though, with the lack of sugar.
"Lou, we have to go," Liam called after me and I stood quickly, knowing we were late. Dizziness made my body shake as I took a few steps.
"Li?" I called out, trying to hide the panic in my voice.
"What is it Louis, we're going to be late?" Liam said turning around but his expression softened when he saw me.
"Aww, Lou, what's wrong?" I reached my shaky hands to my head and rubbed my temples.
"I think I'm low," I mumbled and Liam nodded.
"Hey! Can one of you call management and let them know we're running late? Louis is low." Liam called to the other boys. Niall nodded and pulled out his phone.
I took my diabetic bag out and grabbed the glucometer. "Li, will you help?" I begged and he nodded smiling.
He took the prick and drew blood from my finger. The glucometer took a second to bring up results, but soon we knew. 3 mmol/L.
"Oh Lou, that's pretty low..." Liam said sadly. I nodded and pulled out some sweets. We waited a few moments before Liam had me check again. I let them know we were good to go, and we made our way to the venue.
We had a concert tonight which I was looking forward to. Although this diet has taken a toll on my body I feel less energized.
"Feeling better?" Niall asked as we made our way to the car. I nodded slightly as I boarded the vehicle. "Good, just let us know if you need anything." He whispered and I smiled.
"Of course," I replied and filed in taking the seat next to Harry.
I tried to stay awake throughout the drive but ended up drifting off. I woke up when we got there, Harry lightly pushing my head off his shoulder.
"Come on, we've got soundcheck." He said and I nodded tiredly. We got to the building, and the sound check went as it normally did. We hung out and made sure everything was working, but saved energy for the concert.
"Boys, 2 hours, then you need to be back here for the concert." A manager said to us and then waved us off.
"Anyone hungry?" Liam asked and Niall jumped at the idea making us laugh.
We rushed to a nearby restaurant and got seating quickly, luckily in the back. I pulled out my kit and checked my blood sugar levels. I noticed I was a little low, but after deciding what to get, I injected enough insulin.
We ate and talked for hours and then realized we needed to get back for the concert. I got changed quickly to have enough time to check my blood sugar levels before we got onstage.
Lou did my hair and makeup before letting me go to check. "Louis, blood sugar?" Niall asked walking up to me.
"I'm normal, it's all good," I said adding a quick thumbs up.
I was feeling nervous but it was time to go on stage and I didn't have time to feel anxious.
"Boys, go, go, go the fans are waiting!" A manager yelled through our in-ears.
We ran onstage and immediately the crowd started screaming, the adrenaline hyping all of us up. We jumped around and joked a lot for the first half, feeling happy and carefree. I was excited to be out there even if it meant feeling drained at the end.
We got through the first half of songs without any issues. I came backstage during our quick intermission feeling low. I knew I needed to check my blood sugar, but there wasn't any time.
"Li, I think I'm low," I mumbled and he nodded and turned to talk to a manager. He gave me a juice box and I sipped on it for a few minutes.
"Boys! Get ready, you're on in 5...4...3...2..." I heard the countdown and threw the juice box off to the side. We ran back on stage again, the same adrenaline rush taking course.
I smiled through the tiredness, danced through the dizzy spells, and laughed off the headache forming in the back of my mind. "You okay?" Harry asked coming up beside me.
"Yeah, I'll be fine," I nodded trying to convince myself as well. He could tell I didn't want to talk about it and laid off. I was grateful for that.
When the concert finished I waited for everyone to exit before saying goodbye and making my way off-stage.
I stumbled around backstage and made it to the dressing room where all the boys were. "Louis, you're looking kind of pale, have you checked your sugars yet?" Niall asked as I stepped into the room. I shook my head slowly, feeling the shakiness set in.
"Are you okay, do you need help?" Liam asked moving beside me and helping me to the couch.
"I'm going to pass out..." I mumbled and they looked at me, confusion evident on their faces.
"What?" Harry asked rubbing my shoulder."Gonna pass.." Before I could finish my body lurched forward, bile rising in my throat.
"Someone get a trash bin!" Liam yelled in a panicky tone. Someone shoved the bin in front of my chin as I swiftly let out my stomachs contents. I felt light like I was floating. My vision tunneled and I felt darkness take over.***
Liam's POV"Someone get a trash bin!" I yelled seeing him lurch forward like he was going to vomit. Niall grabbed a bin and shoved it to Louis's face. He vomited harshly for a few seconds before passing out completely.
"Someone find a medic please?" Harry instructed and Zayn left the room to look for one. I pulled out Louis's diabetic kit and pricked his limp finger carefully. I waited anxiously for the number to come up.
"He's really low!" I shouted to whoever was still in the room. The machine read 3 mmol/l which was low for anyone. He needed immediate medical attention or he'd go into a coma.
The medic rushed in and immediately started administering different medications. "Call for an ambulance," The medic instructed calmly and Harry quickly dialed the number.
"Louis, open your eyes for us buddy," The medic said calmly, and in a few moments he seemed to be coming around. "Hey, you got pretty low. An ambulance is coming to check you over. Your blood sugar seems to be coming back up though."
He nodded even though he seemed pretty out of it. The ambulance came and said that he didn't need to go to the hospital, we were all grateful he was okay. We went back to the hotel in hopes of getting some very much-needed rest.
Niall and Harry helped Louis inside the hotel, Zayn and I following behind cautiously. We made it to the rooms and that was when we had to split.
"Who's gonna sleep with who?" Niall asked as we entered the elevator.
"Louis is there anyone you want to be with you?" Harry asked patiently.
"Liam?" He mumbled looking up at me. I nodded and then we worked the rest out. Harry and Niall would share a room, Zayn would get his own.
When the elevator stopped on our floor we went to the rooms. I helped Louis get changed and settled into bed. He thanked me and then I went to shower.
"Li?" I heard a small voice call from outside the bathroom.
"Yeah, Lou? I'll be out in a second," I called back and quickly got dressed. "What is it?" I asked sitting at his bedside.
"Will you cuddle me? I'm lonely," He whined and I laughed but nodded.
"Get some sleep, feel better," I whispered and he agreed. We both fell asleep rather quickly and Louis felt much better the next morning. Of course, management immediately threw us into the next set of photo shoots, interviews, and endless days.

1d Sickfics
FanficTitle says it all, I read a lot of these lol so I decided to make my own! Enjoy!