|2| Hurt at concert (Niall)

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A/N - Here's a question for you guys, what's your favorite color today? I hope everyone is doing amazing! Please leave any requests here!

3rd Person

It was one of their busiest concerts for sure. The boys were having so much fun, jumping around, singing, and dancing. Everything was going great and the fans looked to be having so much fun.

Niall ran around the stage joking around with his band mates.

A puddle of spilled water appeared out of no where causing him to slip and fall backwards. His head smacked the ground, ricocheting of the stage.

The boys laughed at his antics until they realized Niall wasn't getting up.

Niall lied there in shock for a minute before seeing a hand in front of him.

"Need help?" Louis said offering him a hand. Niall took it gratefully, but getting up that fast wasn't a great idea. The world spun and Niall began to sway a bit. Luckily Louis was still standing there and managed to steady Niall before things took a turn for the worse.

"Ni? Are you okay?" Louis asked giving a look of pity.

"Just a bit of head rush, im fine." Niall groaned quietly and then tried to focus.

When his part came along he'd entered a little late. The boys just assumed he was off beat a little after the fall. He looked pale but that could've just been because of the stage lights.

Niall normally enjoyed these concerts but he'd never been more relieved to get off stage at that moment. He slowly walked off with the other boys but he still felt horribly dizzy and tired.

Niall ran to the bathroom, collapsing against the cool tile. He heaved into the toilet, letting all of his stomachs contents pour out. When he'd finished his body gave in and slumped against the wall. He knew eventually he'd have to go back.

When Niall felt well enough to get up, he slowly walked back to where everyone else had gathered.

"Niall, where'd you run off to?" Liam asked jokingly.

"Just had to use the bathroom," Niall replied sluggishly.

Suddenly he turned even paler, if that was possible, and the world spun. He gripped on to Liam and Harry who stood beside him. They noticed Niall swaying almost immediately.

"Guysssss," Niall slurred. His ears were ringing loudly and he felt so tired. He just really wanted to sleep. His body felt heavy and his mind wondered. Wait...He thought, where am I?

"Woah," Harry said as Niall fell limp into his arms.

"Okay, someone get a medic! Liam can you help me get Nial onto the couch?" Liam nodded and they moved him carefully.

Once the medic came he looked Niall over.

"His pupils are pretty dilated, did he fall at all on stage?"

"Yeah, uh I think he slipped on some water." Zayn offered.

"Okay I think he has a concussion, I'll look him over some more once he's awake. The most you can do is have him stay hydrated and get lots of rest. He can have medications for headaches, try not to have him watch any TV. This should only last 2-3 weeks or less depending on how severe."

Once the medic had finished explaining, Niall began to stir.

"Nggg," Niall groaned and looked around.

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