Chapter 1: A foreign soul awakens

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The soul, something that many claim to be the center of one's life. The said flame to any creatures being. The soul is a mystery to many, and not a mystery to some.

Some claim that seeing one's own soul is nigh impossible, and some claim that it is POSSIBLE! To see your soul, is to see the real YOU. Even if someone or something can truly understand what a soul is. It doesn't mean they know everything about it.

Souls are difficult to understand because each and every soul is different. No soul is completely the same, and yet...that can also be false. Claims could be made towards how a soul can work, and how it can affect ones very own life.

Many claim that a soul can be connected to every other soul, and others claim that a soul can have a polar opposite. There are even those who claim that souls are connected to exact copies. One soul can exist in another universe, while one soul can be the same in another universe.

So many theories, and so little information to what a soul is and how it works. Many have tried to justify the true meaning and purpose of what it is and what it should be. Even I don't know what it is, and it makes me so curious to find out what a soul truly is....


'My eyes slowly opened to the most whitest white color imaginable, or even seeable' "Did...did I go blind or something?" 'I say as I put a hand in front of my face, or a lack thereof.'

"What the fuck!" 'I shout out as my eyes widened in shock.'

'What laid before me wasn't any normal hand, no no no, it was a hand made of light! And as my eye's wandered over my hand; I got the feeling to look further up. I looked up and up and up as my eye's traced from my hand to all the way up to the shoulder' "Oh man, that's just freaky..." 'I whispered to myself, wait, whisper? I didn't even feel my mouth moving!'

"Oh? A soul? Here? How intriguing..."

'I snap my head towards the sound of a voice, but all I saw was nothing. I turned my head another direction, nothing. all I saw was white, only the color. I even noticed I was standing on white, literally just white! I couldn't even explain it.'

"And you most likely never will. Nothing exists here besides me. Time holds no meaning here, nor does physiques, science, just absolutely nothing."

"Ok, seriously, stop doing that! I can't even tell where you are! I don't even know where here is!" 'I shout out, my head constantly facing different directions.'

"Apologies, but it's not possible for me to NOT do that. Yes, it is my voice. But, I am what you see. Everything that is here is what I am. You ARE looking at me."

'My eye's widen drastically as I take in his...her...words' "Uh, seriously? That's really...mmm, creepy? Wait, where even am I?" 'I ask the place or thing that seems to be talking to me.'

"You are currently nowhere, there is no meaning to this place. You will most certainly never come to understand what this place is."

"Then...who are you? I'm sure you can answer that one at the very least." 'I ask out, maybe a conversation might help dull the panic that's quickly creeping in.'

"Me? I have no name, no meaning, no true body, nothing. I am just power incarnate, only power and power itself."

'I rolled my eyes at that' "Yeesh, it's not good to not have a name. Having a name is kinda the norm from where I come from." 'I say to the...void? I don't even know at this point.'

"I have no need for a name. What's a name if I have none to share it with?"

"What if I gave you a name? I mean, I'm can like, give ya a name?" 'I tilt my head in thought, racking around a few possible names to give.'

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