Chapter 2: Sayonara buddy! Hello heaven!

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'Anyone just love the smell of fresh unpolluted air? Well I do! It's a wonderful smell when it goes up your nose and out your mouth! Fresh air is probably the best and most invigorating thing to smell to really get the ball rolling! Oh, and I'm also falling from the sky! What? Why didn't I start with that? Eh, because I didn't want too...eheh!


"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA!" 'That my friends, is the sound of someone falling through the sky at mock 1! And you're probably like, WHAT! BUT THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE! WELP! It's possible! Especially when diving into a portal without even checking if you're on the ground first! Second of all is when the portal was enhanced to act like a slingshot! Damn you V...damn you...'

"Holy fucking shiiiiiiit!" 'I was yelling my balls off. I mean, who could blame me? I was falling from the damn sky! And, I didn't even seem close to the bottom! Ok, well...I was getting closer and closer to the ground by the speed I was traveling at, but, have no fear!'

"Hah?" 'All of a sudden, a tingly feeling makes itself announced as I look back at my, uh, back! Guess what it is! Ya gonna guess? No...? ...You're boring to talk too.'

"I've got wings!? Holy shit their huge! How do I even use them!?" 'Yep, I didn't even know how to use them at all. I'm pretty much a newborn learning how to walk for the first time with these things.'

"Flap wings flap!" 'I was pretty much shouting at my wings to listen to me as I struggled to gain some semblance of control, with my wings, and my emotions.'

'I think I felt a twitch! YEP! Ok, start flapping! Uh, that doesn't look right, nope, not that way, eh...close? Oh! Wait! I think I got it! Eh, yeah...I'm just trying to see if I can flap my wings and's not really working...' "This so fucking sucks..." 'At this point I was gaining a little bit of control with my wings, but not fast enough! And from the looks of things, I seemed to be uh, heading towards a...really bright and eye straining city? Jesus it's like Vegas times five!'

"Mayday, mayday, mayday! This is uh, fuck, uhm...Echo-foxtrot...uh, nineteen!" 'My brain was just like, spout nonsense just to keep yourself distracted from your impending doom!'

'Falling with pretty much no guarantee of a safe landing was really and I mean REALLY shitty for me. Also, I could barely even hear myself over the wind rushing across my face like a damn tidal wave!'

"Hurp~..., Imma hurl..." 'Yeah, I was pretty much spinning like a disco ball at this rate. But with a leaf blower assisting it as max speed'.

'My eyes were becoming dry from the constant wind's berating my face, I had to squint to even see if I could at least make the landing a bit softer. I was pretty sure V made my body durable enough to handle a landing such as this one. I wasn't gonna like this landing but oh well!'

'Had to gain some form of control, so I tucked in my limbs, I was pretty much a bullet zooming through the sky seeing I changed the way I was falling. One thing I learned is that from falling, you can change the speed at which you fall, and the direction if you know how to. It's harder without a wingsuit, but, I was getting the hang of it! Also, bad new's as well. See...I was so mad at my wings a moment ago that I, uh, kinda wished them away? Probably an ability given to me by V. He's a nice guy, ya know?'

'Anyways, enough about him. Let's get back to our, and by our, I mean my current predicament.' "Ninety-nine guys splattered on the ground, ninety-nine guys splattered. Take a guy, make him fly, one hundred guys splattered on the ground!" 'Yeah, I kinda revised the beer song with me dying. So,'s your day?'

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