Chapter 6: New face on the street's

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'The conversation between me and the others went on for a little while longer before everyone had to eventually go their own separate ways. It was a bit enlightening to meet them all, seeing I had expected those who lived in hell to be pretty harsh, but, I was proven wrong. Then again, even though they weren't' all that bad, it didn't mean the rest of the population in hell was the same. Wariness was needed to keep myself alive, and continuing to live was something I was definitely planning on doing.'

'Plans were going to be set in motion, and I had so little time before I had to get back to heaven. So, I was in quite the predicament. Not like I was entirely worried seeing I could now teleport, and also fly. Thing's were either going to go down very quickly, or at the pace of a snail. Choosing between doing thing's quickly and safely were going to be difficult, but who said I couldn't choose both?'

'All I needed to do was start the foundation, then, I could work my way up from there! Hopefully it's smooth sailing, but if it isn't? Well, I'd make sure to make it as easygoing as possible the next time I came down here. And oh boy, things are going to get interesting from here on out...'


"And here's the key to your room. If you need anything, then please, just come find me!" 'I said my thanks and closed the door, turning around and looking around my hotel bedroom.'

'Charlie decided to gift me a room inside the hotel, which was considerate of her. Now I had a place down in hell, indefinitely. Nobody opposed when she offered the option of me staying here. I'm just glad that I found a place I can call safe.'

"Look's cozy, hm, wonder what Collin would think if he knew I went down into hell..." 'He'd probably worry over me and reprimand me for doing something so dumb. He's a sweet, er, guy. The problem is the fact he's really trusting of others, which I can understand seeing he's probably lived in heaven his whole life.'

'I slowly walked over to my bed, a simple bed with a velvet-colored blanket and some inviting looking white pillows. The thing is, the size of the bed is barely big enough to fit me onto it, the upside is the fact that it look's oh so comfy.'

'Slowly walking towards the bed, I decided to sit down on it and pull out my phone. Needed to call V for something. A few buttons pressed and the phone was already dialing.' *Ring* ~ *Ring* ~ *Ri- (Hello Z, it's been a little bit since we last talked, yes?) 'At least he didn't sound upset.'

'All I could do was sigh, seems since the day I met him, he's been pretty enthusiastic about talking to me on a regular daily basis. He's probably a bit upset about me not calling him for a whole week.' "And hello to you too V, how are you?" 'Had to see how he was doing.'

'There was a few moments of silence.' (I'm quite fine, so, what have you been up to? I'm quite certain you've kept yourself busy.) 'He was right about me being busy...'

'I chuckle, just thought it was funny that he could easily figure me out.' "Yeah, you could say I've been really occupied lately. And what I've been doing? Eh, some of this and some that. It's a pretty lengthy list." 'Lengthy my ass! It was a workload nobody would want!'

(Don't forget to relax every now and then, it's important to not overly stress yourself.) 'He's making himself sound like a worried mother...'

"Hehe, don't worry about little Ol me. I'm doing quite fine down here in hell." 'Let's see how he reacts to me being down here.'

(...You've already learned how to use your portal's? Hm, as to be expected of you. You always did pick up thing's relatively quickly.) 'Seem's he already expected me to go down here. Not like I couldn't have predicted that. He is capable of looking into the future, and also being able to read emotion's quite well.'

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