Chapter 3: A connoisseur of heaven!

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"Well, this is quite the predicament." 'It was definitely a troubling sight. There was a lot more people than I expected. Then again it is heaven so I should have expected it. One thing that was troublesome however, was the fact I was still taller than everyone here, and by a HUGE margin at that. I was already drawing many eyes towards myself. I mean, it's not that I hate getting some attention but I'm a more quiet and reserved type of chatting isn't much my cup of tea unless it's about a topic I like.'

'I decided to just fold my arms behind my back and walk down the streets sidewalk calmly, but on the inside, I was kind of freaking out, but! I have a trick to my little panic attack and that's being good at having a poker face, wanna know why? When your AD/HD and Autistic you tend to be a bit of a weirdo at home. But when in the open world? I try to be as normal as normal can be, and that's quite hard for me. Heh, I rhymed.'

'Oh, and speaking of people staring? I was getting WAAAY to many head's turning my way for that to be considered normal. Some had their jaws dropped, might catch a fly if you don't shut it! Others had their eye's as big as saucers if I walked near them or walked over them. Yeah, I could actually walk over them. Imagine that? Walking over someone in public? I never thought it'd be possible and yet here I am doing it!'

'A good cup of tea might help calm the nerves. There were a few options to choose from, so, I just decided to pick at random. I mean, I could ask one of these people if they knew of any place's that might suit me. But, I just wanted to stick to myself for the time being. I wasn't exactly ready to go and commune with anyone just yet.'

'Oh! Did I forget to mention that everyone looked all...weird looking? Some had different shaped heads, like, triangles and stuff. Some were animals, some looked like tiny baby looking things, and...yeah...the list goes on and on. I was expecting the people up in heaven to look weird, but I didn't expect such a big variety of looks! It's like some sort of convention but an everyday type of thing. I know I'm saying the word thing a lot, but, that's the best way I can describe them seeing I don't even know what they are'.

'Enough said on the looks of these people, I needed a drink. And no, I don't drink alcohol. You must think I'm a boring person at parties. Wanna know how I feel about your opinions? I don't give a rat's ass! Drinking is bad for your health and it's a brain killer. I'd rather not become a vegetable by a deadly dose of idiotism.'
"Fuck it, I definitely need some tea or something." 'And find a place to drink I did. It was a little corner caffe. Seemed to be quite popular from the bustling groups of people coming in and out. I have money and a thirst to quench!'

'I sped up my pace a little as I walked up the caffe, half-eager for a drink and most assuredly eager to sit down to set my thought's straight. Needed to make a plan, I should have made one before I came into the city...but that's the past, now I gotta focus on the present.'

'And currently I was in front of the caffe, arms folded, chin up, face calm and not anxious whatsoever. I had this in the bag, just ask for a coffee or a simple beverage then get the fuck out of dodge. Should be as easy as pie, definitely not going to blow up in my face.'

'I leaned down to push the door open as I ducked under the doorframe to get myself in. Damn it, that's going to be a problem. Well, at least I look intimidating as shit with this demonic face I got going and my height. So, it's kind of a win in my book.'

'Step ~ step ~ step, and I was in front of the counter. I wasn't focused on the barista behind the counter. No, I was focused on the list of food and drink items to choose from. There was a variety of cold and warm beverages to satisfy my pallet. I just needed to state what I wanted, which was a banana nut muffin and a caramel macchiato with extra milk, light ice and extra whip cream. I know that's not tea, but, I can change my mind anytime I want!'

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