Chapter 4: Trip to below

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'After that little escapade with Corrin was over, we, or I, decided to find an apartment to buy out for the next few days. I was going to buy the whole apartment complex if I could. I wasn't going to kick out the residents that were already there. My goal was to simply take over the apartment complex to begin my growth in influence in both heaven and hell.'

'The plan was simple as it could get. I'd buy everything I could, apartments, hospitals, schools, stores, restaurants. I needed to purchase as much as I could to garner some attention. If I wanted information, then I needed to gain a position of power. The thought's I had for now were solely focused on gaining power and only power. Donations would be given, orphanages would be built, everything would be done for myself and the betterment of others. Truth be told, I was actually doing all these good things because I now had the money and resources to do it.'

'All of this would have been done when I was still alive in my old reality if I had the resources I have now. And by resources, I mean money. Money make's the world go round. Of course, this is heaven but I'm betting that they still have a need for an economy up here with how everything's been running from what I've observed thus far.'

'Most would probably hold some sort of suspicion towards how I got all this money. I'll just a need simple lie and it'll be smooth sailing from there. I'd simply say that all the money was handed over from a relative that decided to live a quieter life. I won't give a name, a description, nothing. They can't force me to do that, and if they tried? Well, I wouldn't really give them a chance to try...'


"Collin, I have a question for you." 'I asked as I looked up to face him, putting down my book.'

'Collin also looked up from his book, -Love and You-,' "Hm? What's the question?" 'Asked Collin.'

'I put my book down and folded my arms over my chest as I stared at him.' "What's your honest opinion on heaven? Don't hold anything back. If there's something that makes it seem imperfect, then just say so." 'I wanted to see what he would say, maybe I could start a small conversation from this.'

'Collin seemed to slightly beam at being asked to talk about heaven, but, when you told him to talk about possible thing's that might heaven seem imperfect, he seemed somewhat confused.' "Well I'll gladly talk about heaven! But, what do you mean imperfect? I don't think anything's wrong with it!"

'I just sighed and rubbed my eye's, apparently he's either naive or so innocent that he can't seem to think for just a moment that there might possibly be some corrupt figures in the higher echelons of power' "Well, just...tell me how you think of it in a more detailed way." 'I pause for a moment, considering my words' "And I already know you talked about it before, but, that was kinda in the heat of the moment when you and me made that deal a few days ago."

'Now, since that deal, I've been busy. I've gone and purchased a plethora of companies and buildings. From orphanages to this apartment complex, to small time businesses and even convenience stores, which I knew they needed seeing there's an economy up here in heaven. I also find it funny seeing heaven is described as a place where you can get pretty much anything you want, and yet, you can't in this heaven.'

'Ok, I admit I know nothing on how this heaven works, but, I'm quite positive that you can't just get whatever you want. It would have made thing's pretty boring if that was the case. Now people actually have to work for it to get what they want and need up here.'

'But, enough said on the economy. I want to talk about corruption. Say, for instances...fallen angels. Like, how does an angel lose their right to be in heaven? By sinning or doing something that's considered a sin...or something close to that? So, if an angel is capable of being cast into hell for sinning, then, isn't corruption possible up here in this heaven?'

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