Chapter 8: A warm welcome and chatting with the clown of clowns

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'Well, my luck must be nonexistent if I'm meeting the sin of lust. That's just great, juuuust flipping fantastic. The guy's probably a powerhouse that could possibly squish me like a bug, mmm, depending on whether he can gain power from lust or not. My certainty for him being powerful was on a fifty-to-fifty scale.'

'On one hand, he could gain power every time a sinner was horny, or, he gained power each time a sinner was thrown down into hell and into the lust ring, uhm, there's a lot of speculative idea's that could lead to how he gains his power, and how powerful he is. This is why I felt as if I was entirely in the shitter when it came down to my luck.'

'I had thought that my luck had taken a turn for the better, apparently, I was wrong. Ugh, now it's even more stress on my shoulder's having to be confronted by fricking lust incarnate, just great. Hmm, maybe I could get my luck boosted by V? How would that even work? Is luck even an actual thing? Would he just give me some sort of blessing to make me more prone to better thing's happening for myself?'

'Ugh...I just wanted to enjoy a nice I have to deal with this...'


'Seriously? Of all the places I could've gone to eat something, I just had to choose the place that was owned by the very definition of lust itself. And he's even paying his attention to me! Maybe it won't be as bad as I think it will? Maybe he's really thoughtful and nice? That could make this a bit salvageable.'

'I'll just smile and wave, there's no hostility coming from him so no need to worry, right? Well, if he does act hostile, we'll see where that situation goes. But for now? I'm going to stay and take my time in choosing a dinner option that'll fit my tastes.'

'However, it didn't seem as if Asmodeus was contempt with my silence. So, he tried getting me to come to him instead.' "Why not come up and here and give a proper hello! I'd for one would quite appreciate it~" 'Shiver me timbers, this man just doesn't get the message, does he?'

'Standing up from my chair I cracked my back a bit, twisting and turning, and finally, shadow melding behind him by using his very own shadow.' "Well, if you insist." 'I said, walking up next to him.'

'My usage of shadow melding in public wasn't something I was worried about showing. Someone being capable of stopping me from using it would be most likely hard to come across, most likely because they'd have to have some sort of ability or skill that could cancel out what I can do. In which case, I hope never comes to pass, but I'm certain that there's many faces out there in the vastness of hell and even heaven, that could, if they so wished too.'

'Asmodeus wasn't fazed in the slightest, seeing he could teleport as well, from what I first saw.' "Glad to see you listened. Didn't want to have come down there and get you myself! Hahaha!" 'Yeah, no. I'd prefer walking on my own two feet, even though I didn't use my feet to get here.'

'I began to laugh along with him. The laughter lasted for only a few short second's before we looked to one another, the atmosphere between the two of us immediately becoming tense.' "So, why are you here? To make a means to end? Some sort of deal in my establishment I'm unaware of? Because, you've gotten my full attention." 'Woah, full one-eighty on his welcoming attitude. Ok, this is a minefield I'm treading on. Have to be careful, don't want any unnecessary trouble.'

'With his friendly attitude all but gone, I continued to stand there with a warm smile.' "Not at all! I'm simply here for a meal to enjoy. When I first started looking for a place to eat, I saw the name of Ozzie's and it made me think of an Australian steakhouse, but I was wrong! Thus, I spent hour's traveling for something I wasn't expecting." 'There were no intentions of me causing trouble, so, best to tell the truth to get this done and over with.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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