Chapter 7: Hell's not all rainbows and sunshine...

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'Hell, a place where no soul dares to go, yet, some don't have an option. Me? I chose to come down into hell for personal gain. Yes, that sound's completely crazy, which many would agree that it is indeed, not a smart plan. However, I am a person who does not care.'

'It is simply just a place. A place I can leave at my own discretion. So, I will continue to come to hell at any time I want, whenever I want. Even if some higher being said I shouldn't or couldn't, I still won't stop going to it.'

'Now, speaking of being in hell. How about I continue doing what I need to do? And that? That's me continuing to set my plans in motion. My goals were still unfinished; thus, I must work hard to complete said goals. Now let's get back to it...'


'The air was still unpleasant, even with me trying not to pay attention to its scent. I wonder how long it'd take to get used to it? Heh, next time I come down here, I'm most surely going to bring some air fresheners, maybe even some scented candles.'

'And speaking of thing's that smelled? Did you know that burnt flesh smells horrible? Especially when it's an entire corpse? Yeah, I know, why even bring this up? It's because, everywhere I've went, there's just been corpses, weapons, drugs. It's just an entire fiasco, and I've only been out in public for at least a few hours.'

'The upside to this all is me gaining free stuff! Like, money, drugs, booze...which there's an abundant source of. Weapons are something I'm never going to run out of. I can't even come close to listing all the types of weapons I've stumbled across.'

'Even ammunition isn't something I have to worry about! I've found military canisters packed to the brim with all varieties of calibers. I'm afraid I might find a nuke just sitting around as if it were just some piece of junk. Ha! A nuke being considered a common thing to use down here. That's something I really hope isn't the case. And if it possibly is? I'm going to hightail it out of here and make sure to never and I mean ever come back again.'

'If I were alive with all the weapon's I have now, I'm sure I'd put any weapon's collectors to shame. I'm not even certain my shadow storage can hold anything else, but if it can? You best believe I'm going to continue taking everything I find! There's no way I'm going to pass up on this easy source of armaments that can be used to supply the crime syndicate I'm developing.'

"The gross part about doing this, is the fact I have to loot off corpses or out of dumpsters..." 'Yep, seeing I had no supplier, I had to rely on myself. And speaking of dumpsters, did you know demon's throw out completely working gun's just because they've run out of ammo? Like, it's a onetime use and their like 'Welp! That sucks! Time to buy a gun from one of the general stores!' and yes, regular general stores sold gun's as if they were regular everyday commodities. Even children were buying gun's as if they were candy.'

'Don't even get me started on the children that reside in hell! Some of the kids are batshit crazy, like, full psycho crazy. I've seen gangs completely comprised of nothing but demonic children. I'd feel bad for anyone who runs an orphanage down here, especially if they have to deal with kid's that act like that on an everyday basis.'

'My willingness to buy orphanages was somewhat half and half. On one side, I was willing to do it because I care about the kid's down here in hell. Even if they're completely insane. On the other side though? It'll probably be too much a hassle to deal with. The amount of trouble I could garner from this would be most likely insurmountable.'

'How many orphanages would I need? What would I need to ensure they work out? What if some of the kids have everyday medical problems? Where would I even put an orphanage down here? Especially somewhere that could be considered tame and not so actively filled with violence and bloodshed? You see what I mean by troublesome? Just think of the headache I could get from dealing with this!'

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