american psychos epilogues

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what if i told u guys i was on drugs when i had written all these fanfic moments?? :0

i wouldn't blame you.

nah but im kidding!! dont do drugs kids!!

& especially dont drink weed bc u will die

like kylie as she delivered her baby



btw when i was writing all those books i never came up with the final epilogue, i had ideas and they're still the same ideas i was going to use.

but now is where i tell u guys what was bound to happen.

i truly suck as a writer

ok yes i know

i totally understand if you unfollow me, unvote, unlike, &unsubscribe lol

bc i would block me too


tbh robbers was the biggest flop plot out of all them. all books were flops but robbers... and the clichéist of all!!

like seriously what was wrong with me?

but okay so in the end what was going to happen was the protagonist gave up kenny to get caught in their dildos robbery. no matter how hard kenny tried and suffered, he loved ___. he didn't know that she gave him up to the police, she ran and parkoured her way out while he was taken away by the cops.

stupid ikr

and the last sentence was going to be something like:

kenny sat in his jail cell as he had carved out her name in a big heart.

*cri* gets tissues

jk jk jk

that was terrible

idc if u laugh at me and hurt my feelings :(

i am used to it

but um jack the axeman of omaha was going to get his death penalty.

& nate was going to be executed, i was actually going to make nate like hannibal, with the restaurant but i was too slow. xoe dead.

just so you know sam in "predator," is much older, as in his late twenties; 26 OOPS AT LEAST I DIDNT MAKE HIM MID THIRTIES

luna grew fond of a predator who's still in the online creating danger.


jack the rapist...

kate didn't fall in love with her rapist. she hated him, and went through a traumatic time of her life.


& my favvvv summer camp ::

nate wasn't dead, sam dealt with schizophrenia like the others, as with the girl i introduced while jack and jack were messing with their ouija board, and sam was clinging onto "her."

she didn't exist. he just saw her as if she was there, she was the only one there for him.

he was isolated from others, he experienced hallucinations, heard voices, saw things, and dealt with paranoia, he saw the counselors, the murdering kids etc in his own world.


i told u all i fucking suck at epilogues.

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