comas and fuckboy

398 31 14

so the main bitch, (obv.) kylie ends up getting into a situation, like for example, getting into a coma.

not even a day later, maybe 4 days later, she wakes up, why is that? well because one of the fuckboys confesses his love for her.

*sings* hereeeee itttt goeeeeees::

*cringe worthy writing too*

kylie's pov.

i flue out the car, soreing up to 10 fiit high in the air. woww!!

"i can fli!!!"

den i landed on the cold paebment, with a loud theud, on my spine cord, as if it had crack/broke.

eye lost sight, and darqness took over my isight, and my hole sexc boday.

fuckboy's pov.

i cri as she flue out the car, and i felt the same after de car crash. nuthing happnd 2 me

*tiemskip to hoespitahl*

i continued to cri as i saw kylie laying there hopelessly.

i held hur hand and she started fidgetin wiht her fingas.

"kylie?" i speak at her.

"ily kilie"

"no wait"

she woek up.

"wut do u mean u dont luv me" she wyped her tear away

"dats not wat i mean u bxtch" she gasped

she slapped me ackross my bootyful faic.

"how dare u" i then disconnected her iv cords, she started gaspyn && pantien

"i luv u 5 evr kylie, but it's 5 da best"

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