Two | 二

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"After all, I'm Tooru-chan's girlfriend."

Shock struck the entire gymnasium. Oikawa's jaw dropped and his face paled while Iwaizumi was utterly speechless, frozen in motion. Their teammates lost their grip on the balls, dropping them all on the floor. Coach Mizoguchi still remained motionless from when she had cut him off. Oikawa's fangirls jumped to their feet screaming and screeching at her words reacting like how normal people would at an apocalypse. And then there was Coach Irihata who remained calm and seated as if nothing had happened.


"Oikawa-san has a girlfriend?"

"I've never heard of it..."

"Not fair! Oikawa-kun has a girlfriend!"

"How unsatisfying! Why couldn't it be me?"

"Coach Irihata! You're taking this way to calmly!" Coach Mizoguchi argued.

"Well, they're high school students. Things like these happen every now and then." Coach Irihata simply said, completely cool with the situation.

"B-Bastard! Since when?!" Iwaizumi grabbed Oikawa's shirt in his fists, pulling him up slightly.

"I-I don't know!" Oikawa answered frantically, waving his arms around defensively in case Iwaizumi decided to be physical once more.

"Don't lie, damn it!"

"I'm not! I really don't recall having a girlfriend!" Oikawa's voice became a little higher, fearing death that was glaring at him right in the face at that moment. He turned his head to the side, looking back at the girl. "L-Listen, [Name]-chan, but I really don't know you, or what you're talking about."

"Still not over the games, Tooru-chan?" [Name] sighed shaking her head as she rested a hand on her waist. "Fine, I'll just tell everyone all the things we've done so that we can end the game, alright?"

"No, actually... That doesn't help me at all..."

"I confessed to you in the school yard and you gladly accepted my letter along with my feelings." She ignored him, telling her story anyways. "It was a beautiful day with a lovely red sunset. And after that, you even walked me home and managed to sneak in a kiss on my lips. It was surprising because it's my first kiss but I'm glad you took it."

"WHAT?! YOU STOLE HER INNOCENCE?!" Iwaizumi burst into flames, pulling Oikawa closer to him.

"THAT'S NOT IT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO HER!" Oikawa cried out and tried to pry himself off Iwaizumi's grips as he inched closer and closer to the brink of death.

"And then we went on dates!" [Name] continued, eyes dreamy upon recalling those memories. "You brought me to the amusement park and we sat so many rides! I was scared so I clung onto you during all the rides and you laughed and told me that I was cute. We even shared an ice cream together and ended our date in the Ferris Wheel of Love!"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Oikawa defended himself.

"Eh?... This sounds a little familiar..." One of the fangirls whispered among each other.

"Geez, Tooru-chan! You never get tired of games do you?" [Name] pouted and puffed up her cheeks. "Fine! There's also a time where the three of us went to the beach, do you remember?"

Iwaizumi's face turned blank immediately. He released his tightly clenched fists, dropping Oikawa on his back. He blinked at her, the wild fire around him disappeared into thin air. "Huh?"

"Not you too, Hajime-kun!" She groaned. "You hate playing games like these."

Iwaizumi glanced at Oikawa, searching for an explanation. Oikawa shrugged, shaking his head. I have no idea, he mouthed. [Name] went on and on, telling them about the 'memories' the trio shared.

"There's no mistake in it." The previous fangirl took a step forward. Everyone turned their attention to her. "I remember all these too."

"There's no way!" Oikawa cried. "They never even happened!"

"Could it be that we were brainwashed?" Iwaizumi thought aloud.

"Don't say that!" Oikawa pointed his finger at him, telling him to stop. Things were creeping him out more than ever.

"Well, it did happen, actually." The fangirl said. "But just not in real life."

Everyone blinked at her. She took it as a cue for her to go on. "All these dates with Oikawa-senpai are actually from a fanfiction by the Oikawa Tooru Official Fan Club."

"Oikawa Tooru..." Kindaichi sweat dropped.

"...Offical Fan Club?" Kunimi continued, feeling his stomach churn in disgust.

"Such thing exists?" Matsukawa asked aloud.

"On the official website, one of the admins posted a fanfiction about Oikawa-senpai and it went viral. I read that story multiple times and know the story inside out." She said proudly. "And I can assure you, it was all just like what she had said."

"So, all this is just based on some fanfiction?" Hanamaki asked.

"Yes." The fangirl nodded.

"Fanfiction?!" [Name] gasped. "What an insult to us! There is no possible way this is all based on a fanfiction. After all, I experience them myself, first hand!" Her eyes turned glass and she sniffled. "How dare you say that..."

Iwaizumi swallowed nervously. He wasn't one who could deal with crying girls. But he couldn't believe what she had said as well.

Just then, a loud slam sounded from the double doors. Everyone snapped their heads in that direction, jumping in surprise. There stood a girl with short light brown hair and a straight fringe. Her golden cat like eyes scanned the gymnasium, not bothered that she had scared everyone. Giving off a strong aura, everyone froze, unable to say anything or move.

The mysterious girl clicked her tongue in annoyance as soon as she spotted [Name], on the verge of tears. She walked up to her, cursing under her breath. "Didn't I tell you that you can't be here?" She scolded as she flicked [Name]'s forehead.

"But, Sakura-chan..." [Name] pouted in protest. "I really wanted to see him."

"I told you no. Why can't you just listen to me?"

"I always did! So why can't you let this slide one time?" [Name] clapped her hands together in a pleading gesture. "I really miss Tooru-chan and Hajime-kun."

Sakura sighed, giving up on talking to [Name]. She shifted her icy cold glare to Oikawa and Hajime, causing the both of them to flinch. She stared at them for a moment, raising their heart beats to crazy heights.

"Hey," She broke the silence.

"Y-Yes!" Oikawa yelped, his arms turning into boiled spaghetti.

"I'm sorry for her behavior." She apologized. Everyone stared at her blankly but didn't utter a word. She pushed [Name]'s head down into a bow as well, despite the younger girl's protest. "Come on, you apologize too."

"Eh? Why? But I ­–"

"Apologize." Sakura cut her off sternly.

"I'm sorry." [Name] obliged, pouting.

"Alright, then. We'll be leaving now." Sakura bowed and turned around to leave, dragging [Name] along with her by her collar. [Name] whined and kicked her legs in the air in protest.

"W-Wait!" Oikawa called, reaching out a hand to them. But he was too late as they both disappeared behind the doors, leaving everyone confused. 

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