Fuyuki Sakura

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Character(s): Fuyuki Sakura

Genre: Character Information


Fuyuki Sakura

Fuyuki Sakura is a second year in Aoba Jousei High School

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Fuyuki Sakura is a second year in Aoba Jousei High School. She's [Name]'s childhood friend and acts like an older sister. She plays for the baseball team as a regular.

Kanji: 冬木 桜

Romanji: Fuyuki Sakura

Also Known As: Fuyuki-san, Sakura-san, Sakura-chan

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: July 13

Age: 16

Height: 164 cm

Weight: 48.9 kg

Background Information

Goals: Be the older sibling Ryouichi was to [Name]

Likes: Salmon sashimi; Baseball; Ryouichi

Professional Status

Occupation: High School Student in Aoba Jousei High School (2nd year, Class 2- 2)

Teams: Seijou (Baseball Team)

Position: 3rd Batter, 3rd Baseman


Sakura had short light brown hair that stop just at the base of her jaw with her bangs in a slight slope. She has golden cat like eyes that usually look vicious and fierce.

She usually wears her Aoba Jousei uniform, which consists of a pale blue button up shirt, a light brown plaited skirt and a loose red tie. When she's not in her uniform, she wears the Seijou's baseball uniform (white and baby blue stripes).


Sakura had a very unapproachable aura to her. She is fierce and strict, especially when it came to [Name] and Oikawa. She can lose herself quite easily when she's blinded with emotions. Although she seems very mean all the time, she's actually a very caring person and feels guilty for what she's done quite easily.

Deep down inside, she can be a very delicate and fragile person. However, she often puts up the tough, cold and stoic act not just to protect [Name] but also herself. This personality of hers only developed after Ryouichi's death.


Sakura is [Name]'s childhood friends after the [Last Name]'s moved to her neighborhood. They met at a park nearby their house where she also met Ryouichi, who was trying to get his sister to play along the other kids. Sakura approached them and fell in love when Ryouichi smiled at her, thanking her. 

In her first year in Aoba Jousei, she met Kimi, who was her classmate. She rescued Kimi from a bunch of bullies. Then their friendship started to blossom.


Sakura (): Cherry blossom; Feminine.

Fuyuki (冬木): A tree seen in winter; meaning winter or cold and meaning tree or sturdiness.

Her favorite food is salmon sashimi.

Her star sign is Cancer.

Current Concern: Is she a good sister to [Name]?

As the 3rd batter of the Seijou Girl's baseball team, she's the clean up batter.

She was supposed to be sisters with Kimi.

She used to be clingy but after Ryouichi's death, she became a tsundere.

She has a phobia of porcelain dolls.

She has quiet a few collection of sundresses in her wardrobe.

She has a sweet tooth. 

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