Fifteen | 十五

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[Name] limped her way to the infirmary in her gym clothes. Being the clumsy girl she was, she tripped on her own foot and fell face first, scrapping her knees and palms. She gritted her teeth as she pushed the door to the infirmary open and muttered her presence softly. Sadly, there wasn't any one in the infirmary, which meant that she had to work on her wounds on her own.

She scanned the glass cabinets, trying to look for what she need, even though she wasn't quite sure what she needed. "Band-aids?" She asked herself, tilting her head to the side. "Anti... Anti-Skeptic?" She reached out for a glass bottle in the cabinet.

As soon as she wrapped her hand around the bottle, pain surged through her entire arm, forcing her to lose her grip on the bottle. She took a step back from the pain with the teeth gritted as she watched the glass bottle shatter right before her feet. She gasped, jumping back in surprise, as some of the broken glass shards grazed her skin.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" She panicked, crouching down to take a better look at the broken glass. A pool of brown liquid laid on the floor with pieces of broken glass in it. She sighed and was about to pick the glass up when the door to the infirmary opened.

[Name] looked up to find a girl with shoulder length dark gray hair, peeking into the room worriedly. Her dark blue eyes landed on [Name] and she gasped. [Name] remained motionless, staring at the girl as she rushed to her side, moving her hands away from the broken glass.

"Don't touch it!" She warned. She guided [Name] to the sick bed and told her to sit while she cleaned it up. As the girl worked on cleaning up, [Name] couldn't help but to admire her. She was beautiful, and carried such and kind and gentle aura around her. If [Name] wasn't in love with Oikawa, she was sure she would fall for her right away.

Once she was done cleaning up the mess, she turned her attention to [Name], whose mouth was opened. "I'll help you with your injuries." The girl smiled, pulling out of cotton and anti-septic from the cabinet. [Name] felt blessed when she felt the girl's gentle touch against her skin, although it did burn a little.

Putting on the last band-aid for her, the girl smiled. "There," She said and walked over to the skin to wash her hands.

"T-Thank you!" [Name] thanked, straightening her legs to take a look at the band-aids.

"You're welcome." She smiled, which only made [Name] more captivated with her. The girl sweat dropped at the sparkles in [Name]'s eyes as she stared at her. "I-Is something wrong?" She asked.

"It's just that you're very, very pretty!" [Name] said straight forwardly, making the girl unable to control her blush. She clapped her hand over her mouth and took a step back, trying to control her breathings.

"T-Thank you..." She muttered. "You're very cute too, [Name]-chan."

"How did you know my name?" [Name] asked in surprise.

"I've been noticing you for a while." The girl admitted. "B-But it's not like I'm stalking you or anything like that!" She waved her hands before her frantically, trying to defend herself.

"Wow!" [Name] squealed, hiding her face behind her hands. "To have someone as beautiful as you notice me, it's really overwhelming!"

[Name]'s words only worsened the redness of the girl's face. The girl was sure that she would faint from the amount of blood rushing to her face at that moment. She cleared her throat and suddenly remembered she was on her way to her class. "Oh, I have to go." She said. "See you again, [Name]-chan. And take care." She smiled as she pushed the door open.

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