Eighteen | 十八

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[Name] looked at herself in the mirror, tilting her body in different angles to check how she looked in her school uniform. She sighed and smoothened the creases on her uniform, even though there wasn't any to begin with. A soft knock on the door interrupted her.

"[Name]-chan," Adrian's muffled voice came through the door. "Tooru-kun and Hajime-kun are here to pick you up to school."

"Alright, I'll be out in a second." She replied, taking one last look at herself before exiting her room. She carefully walked down the stairs to find Oikawa and a dark haired male by his side. She eyed the stranger cautiously, slowing her pace down.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, the 2 third years noticed her presence and averted their attention to her. "Ohaiyo, [Name]-chan." Oikawa greeted with a smile.

"Hey," His friend greeted with a simple nod. He wore the same uniform as Oikawa, only with a more intimidating face.

"O-Ohaiyo," She nodded at them politely. Noticing [Name]'s confused look, Oikawa and Iwaizumi realized that she had not been introduced to Iwaizumi yet.

"Right, sorry. I'm Iwaizumi Hajime." Iwaizumi rubbed the back of his neck, feeling bad for being forgetful. "We've met at the hospital a week back," He explained, carefully moving his gaze to meet hers.

"I see," She nodded, finally remembering that Iwaizumi was with Oikawa back at the hospital.

Sensing the awkward tension in the air, Oikawa decided to join in. "It's alright, [Name]-chan." He assured her, slapping Iwaizumi's back in a friendly manner. "Iwa-chan here has a nasty looking face but he's actually a sweetheart!"

"Iwa-chan?" [Name] echoed questioningly. Iwaizumi growled, warning Oikawa with his killer glare. Oikawa shuddered and pulled his hand back, suddenly sorry for what he did.

"Just call me Iwaizumi." Iwaizumi said, folding his arms across his chest. "We should get going now. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day back."

"That's right." Hana said, appearing from the kitchen with a smile. "Take care now, [Name]-chan."

"I will, okaasan." [Name] nodded before sliding her feet into her shoes and joining the two boys. She turned back to her parents once last time before heading out of the house. Her parents nodded at her, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'm heading out now," She nodded at her parents.

"Have a safe trip." They replied and watched as she left.


Oikawa threw his head back a little, laughing as he retold the memory of him and Iwaizumi hanging out as children to [Name]. "The beetle got away in the end and Iwa-chan got really upset." He said, smiling at the girl, who was drawn into the story. "I thought he was going to mad at me for letting it get away but he carried me home instead."

"Shut up, Kusokawa." Iwaizumi mumbled, shoving his hands in the pockets of his blazer. Light pink tinted the tips of his ears, feeling embarrassed as the volleyball captain talked about their childhood.

[Name] let out a light giggle at Iwaizumi's reaction. "So you see [Name]-chan," Oikawa continued. "Iwa-chan may seem scary but he's a nice person deep down inside."

"Iwaizumi-san could be your mother, Oikawa-san." She said, smiling softly at the both of them. Iwaizumi bit onto his lower lip, clenching his hands into tight fists in his pocket as they continued to walk. He pulled his brows together and looked down to his feet.

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